FS#8750 - Can't access camera - libgphoto2 2.4.0-4

Attached to Project: Arch Linux
Opened by slackhack (slackhack) - Friday, 23 November 2007, 23:11 GMT
Last edited by Greg (dolby) - Tuesday, 15 July 2008, 03:13 GMT
Task Type Bug Report
Category Packages: Extra
Status Closed
Assigned To Jason Chu (jason)
Tobias Powalowski (tpowa)
Architecture i686
Severity Critical
Priority Normal
Reported Version 2007.08-2
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 2
Private No


Description: canon A75 can't be accessed with user or root.

launching gtkam as user gives this error:

Could not list folders in /.

then when selecting camera, this:

An error occurred in the io-library ('Could not claim the USB device'): Could not claim interface 0 (No such device). Make sure no other program or kernel module (such as sdc2xx, stv680, spca50x) is using the device and you have read/write access to the device.

launching gtkam as root gives this terminal error:

(gtkam:23855): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:
Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.

problem exists both on desktop and laptop machine.

Just checked dmesg on both, both show "cpu soft lockup" message, see attached file.

Additional info:

* package version(s) - 2.4.0-4

* config and/or log files etc. - see attached
This task depends upon

Closed by  Greg (dolby)
Tuesday, 15 July 2008, 03:13 GMT
Reason for closing:  Fixed
Comment by slackhack (slackhack) - Friday, 23 November 2007, 23:13 GMT
attached file didn't seem to make it through -- resending.
Comment by Luca Peduto (luca) - Saturday, 24 November 2007, 08:49 GMT
I can confirm too, I have the same camera and the same problem
The problem with soft-lockup is not related; see the bug #8721
Comment by Zack (Sjoden) - Tuesday, 27 November 2007, 22:00 GMT Comment by Luca Peduto (luca) - Friday, 30 November 2007, 07:18 GMT
I followed the wiki page but the problem persists.
This is the error message:
An error occurred in the io-library ('Could not claim the USB device'): Could not claim interface 0 (Operation not permitted).
Make sure no other program or kernel module (such as sdc2xx, stv680, spca50x) is using the device and you have read/write access to the device.
Comment by slackhack (slackhack) - Friday, 30 November 2007, 13:39 GMT
That's the same error I get. The wiki page is only for setting up the camera. Once it's set up, it shouldn't just stop working.
Comment by Luca Peduto (luca) - Sunday, 02 December 2007, 09:27 GMT
Hi guys,
it seems that with the new tpowa's kernel (, that fixed the bug #8721 (soft lookup),
I can download the images from my Canon Powershot A75 with gthumb without problem.

Comment by Zack (Sjoden) - Monday, 03 December 2007, 19:03 GMT
Great to hear!
Comment by slackhack (slackhack) - Saturday, 08 December 2007, 14:39 GMT
anyone try with that's not working for me.
Comment by Luca Peduto (luca) - Sunday, 09 December 2007, 07:13 GMT
Hi slackhack,
with the new kernel I can download the photos from my camera without problem.
Make sure your user belongs to camera group.
Comment by Ar.. (Ar..) - Sunday, 09 December 2007, 20:01 GMT
have same problem. kernel, fuji finepix s5700 camera. user can't download photos. when root downloading, system crash
Comment by slackhack (slackhack) - Tuesday, 11 December 2007, 01:00 GMT
it's not working on either my desktop or my laptop, for either root or user. i haven't changed anything since it was last working (except for the upgrades). my user is and always has been in the camera group.
Comment by slackhack (slackhack) - Tuesday, 18 December 2007, 19:28 GMT
udpate: works in knoppix with same hardware.
Comment by Börje Holmberg (linfan) - Friday, 28 December 2007, 19:01 GMT
same problem here, usbpt kodak 360c, gtkam only reports i/o error and being unable to list photos in /. Deleted gtkam and ran gthumb - seems to work.
Comment by David Spicer (azleifel) - Saturday, 29 December 2007, 20:34 GMT
There has been discussion of what I reckon to be a related problem in this thread: http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=311729. In summary, there were two issues:
1. No udev rule for a specific camera (Fuji Finepix S5700 in this case), which results in a 'Could not claim the USB device' error because permissions for the device are not then set correctly.
2. The udev rule for this camera not working unless it is added to the end of the list of rules in /etc/udev/rules.d/54-gphoto.rules.

Point 1 was easy to solve with a new udev rule for the camera. The fix for point 2, i.e. to get a rule to work regardless of where it is placed in 54-gphoto.rules, was to change line 756 to point to the actual location of the check-ptp-camera script and use the actual file name. The change was from
PROGRAM="check-ptp-camera 06/01/01", MODE="0660", GROUP="camera"
PROGRAM="/lib/udev/check-ptp-camera", MODE="0660", GROUP="camera"
Comment by slackhack (slackhack) - Monday, 31 December 2007, 14:49 GMT
Thanks, I found that thread last week and got it working by moving the rule to the end, but then next time it didn't work again. I found that I have to restart udev each time *before* turning on the camera, or else it doesn't work. So I guess there's probably a bug in udev somewhere, or perhaps in the kernel. I'll look into reporting it.
Comment by Luca Peduto (luca) - Thursday, 03 January 2008, 18:53 GMT
Hi all,
after the last kernel upgrade I have again this problem (I can't download images from my camera)
I've made the changes in 54-gphoto.rules but it doesn't solve the problem.
Comment by Börje Holmberg (linfan) - Thursday, 03 January 2008, 19:16 GMT
What app do you use? I edited the gtkam PKGBUILD and changed the version from 0.1.12 to 0.1.14 and ran makepkg. gtkam in arch is not updated for some reason. Otherwise try with gthumb. If you use kde, I know nothing about it, so maybe there is something kde'ish to experiment with :)
Comment by Luca Peduto (luca) - Thursday, 03 January 2008, 19:53 GMT
Hi Borje,
I use gthumb, but I tried also with gphoto2 command in console with the same result.
Comment by Darin (omgwtfbyobbq) - Sunday, 23 March 2008, 07:37 GMT
Had the same thing happen to me, and after searching the Gentoo forums I found I could access the camera as a user by changing the permissions of line 62 of 90-libgphoto2.rules to 664 and adding 'GROUP="camera"'.
Comment by Igor (cheer) - Sunday, 23 March 2008, 09:25 GMT Comment by Mathieu Clabaut (mathieu.clabaut) - Wednesday, 23 April 2008, 10:46 GMT
This bug is confirmed with another camera. It worked well before update.

The change of line 756 to point to the actual location of the check-ptp-camera script and use the actual file name in 54-gphoto.rules did the trick. The change was from
PROGRAM="check-ptp-camera 06/01/01", MODE="0660", GROUP="camera"
PROGRAM="/lib/udev/check-ptp-camera", MODE="0660", GROUP="camera"

SOLVED for my concerns.
Comment by Börje Holmberg (linfan) - Wednesday, 23 April 2008, 11:37 GMT
I mv udev.rules.pacnew to udev.rules and got my PTP kodak360C easy share working. Seems something wrong in the new camera udev.rules - maybe it lacks the usb PTP dummy model.
Comment by Igor (cheer) - Wednesday, 23 April 2008, 14:48 GMT
may be this bug will be fixed with the new version
Comment by Sébastien (sebcactus) - Tuesday, 01 July 2008, 14:09 GMT
The new version 2.4.1 is out for some time. Could the package be updated?
It does not require much change: version number and the patches moved a bit.
Comment by Igor (cheer) - Tuesday, 01 July 2008, 14:10 GMT
may be remove those patches?
Comment by Greg (dolby) - Monday, 14 July 2008, 20:04 GMT
Please update to libgphoto2 2.4.2-1 and report back
Comment by slackhack (slackhack) - Tuesday, 15 July 2008, 00:05 GMT
2.4.2-1 works for me.