FS#67811 - [meta-bug] downloader issues

Attached to Project: Pacman
Opened by Allan McRae (Allan) - Thursday, 03 September 2020, 00:56 GMT
Last edited by Allan McRae (Allan) - Saturday, 02 September 2023, 11:46 GMT
Task Type Bug Report
Category Backend/Core
Status Closed
Assigned To Allan McRae (Allan)
Anatol Pomozov (anatolik)
Architecture All
Severity Medium
Priority Normal
Reported Version git
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 0
Private No


This is to serve as a tracker for issues or improvements to be made to the parallel downloader before the 6.0 release.

FS#70607 - XferCommand breaks -U
FS#70608 - -U fails to download all files with XferCommand
FS#67812 - Capture and summarize downloader errors
FS#67813 - Improve downloader output when retrieving only signature files
FS#67850 - Broken output and file when downloading multiple files with the same name
 FS#69881  - Pacman downloads ParallelDownloads + 1 following package download failure

 FS#68202  - TotalDownload does nothing
 FS#66472  - Delete .sig in addtion to package when failing to validate
 FS#67973  - CTRL+C during parallel downloads mixes output and interrupt message
 FS#68355  - pacman -Syup needs a newline after databse downloads
 FS#68728  - internal downloader segfaults if dlcb not set
 FS#68729  - internal downloader loops forever if parallel_downloads has not been set
This task depends upon

Closed by  Allan McRae (Allan)
Saturday, 02 September 2023, 11:46 GMT
Reason for closing:  None
Additional comments about closing:  Closing meta bug to clean up tracker