FS#6162 - /arch/setup (CVS) cannot Auto-Prepare HDDs smaller than ~8GB
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Arch Linux
Opened by Dennis Herbrich (gyroplast) - Thursday, 04 January 2007, 15:00 GMT
Opened by Dennis Herbrich (gyroplast) - Thursday, 04 January 2007, 15:00 GMT
Referring to /arch/setup $Id: setup,v 1.131 2007/01/03
23:04:33 tpowa Exp $
I'm afraid this was deliberate, but I'm not too happy with it; When choosing Auto-Prepare, sfdisk bombs if the HDD cannot accomodate the hardcoded 7.5GB root partition, and the resulting system would be a pain to use if the HDD was just a little larger, as /home would end up being annoyingly small. I personally use *a lot* of hard disks up to "only" 8GB in size, as anything above 4GB is well enough to be set up as a desktop machine, especially in heavily networked environments, so please reconsider the necessity of this arbitrary enforcement of a minimum HDD size of 10-15GB for installation of a self-proclaimed lean and mean distribution (hint, hint!). Yes, I know it's possible to avoid this problem by manually partitioning. That's why severity is low. ;) If you're still convinced splitting / and /home this way during Auto-Prepare is better, I'll modify the documentation accordingly, but to me it seems more sensible to make Auto-Prepare use a less distributed partition layout (ie. only create /boot and /), avoid the size problem altogether, and let users bother about a seperate /home if they *knowingly* choose to. I'm not going to start a discussion here, it's mostly cosmetical and a matter of taste anyway. "Document or revert" is the question! |
This task depends upon

well adding dialogs with sizes is probably the best way to go here

you are now asked for sizes you want to use for /boot swap and /
/home takes the rest