FS#35348 - [gtk3] Mouse wheel not scrolling

Attached to Project: Arch Linux
Opened by Hugo Osvaldo Barrera (hobarrera) - Saturday, 18 May 2013, 10:53 GMT
Last edited by Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi (djgera) - Friday, 14 March 2014, 16:55 GMT
Task Type Bug Report
Category Upstream Bugs
Status Closed
Assigned To Ionut Biru (wonder)
Architecture All
Severity Medium
Priority Normal
Reported Version
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 4
Private No



The mouse wheel does not scroll on any gtk3-based application.
This includes transmission-gtk, gedit, pidgin (the -dev version, not the one in the repos) and a few other applications.

Qt and gtk2 based app scroll as expected.
This task depends upon

Closed by  Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi (djgera)
Friday, 14 March 2014, 16:55 GMT
Reason for closing:  No response
Comment by Kevin (anonymous_user) - Saturday, 18 May 2013, 14:46 GMT
Which GTK3 theme are you using? Does it happen with Adwaita or other theme?
Comment by Hugo Osvaldo Barrera (hobarrera) - Saturday, 18 May 2013, 21:27 GMT
I use Zukitwo, though I just tried changing to Adwaita, and the issue is algo reproducible.
Here's my .config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini, though I don't think there'a anything relevant here:

gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme = true
gtk-theme-name = Zukitwo
gtk-fallback-icon-theme = gnome
gtk-icon-theme-name = elementary-xfce
gtk-font-name = Ubuntu 10
Comment by George (cybertorture) - Tuesday, 04 June 2013, 03:31 GMT
I can confirm it on full kde, and theme i use is oxygen-gtk{2,3}

gtk3 config ( if relavent )

gtk-theme-name = oxygen-gtk
gtk-fallback-icon-theme = gnome
# next option is applicable only if selected theme supports it
gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme = true
# set font name and dimension
gtk-font-name = Ubuntu 10
gtk-shell-shows-menubar = 1
Comment by Kevin (anonymous_user) - Tuesday, 04 June 2013, 03:41 GMT
@cybertorture - can you confirm the problem when using other themes too or just oxygen?
Comment by George (cybertorture) - Tuesday, 04 June 2013, 03:47 GMT
Aswaita and Industrial worked, seems like its not gtk3 after all. Thans for the tip, and cheers.
Comment by Hugo Osvaldo Barrera (hobarrera) - Tuesday, 04 June 2013, 13:15 GMT
The same happens with Ambiance and Adwaita for me.

Even if the issue is not reproducible with some themes, I belive it's a GTK issue. Changing the theme (basically, a bunch of css files) shouldn't break scrolling in applications, no matter how buggy the theme.
Comment by Peter Wu (Lekensteyn) - Monday, 17 June 2013, 15:34 GMT
Confirmed with oxygen-gtk3 only. Scrolling works in `oxygen-gtk-demo`, but not in `oxygen-gtk3-demo` after installing `kde-gtk-config` and changing settings in System Settings -> GTK.

Installing that package did shrink the mega large buttons in GTK programs such as Wireshark, but broke scrolling.

Editing ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini and commenting `gtk-theme-name=oxygen-gtk` unbroke scrolling, but then I had the ugly buttons again.
Comment by Peter Wu (Lekensteyn) - Monday, 17 June 2013, 17:01 GMT
oxygen-gtk3 bug is reported at https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=321284, an experimental patch will soon be attached to that bug.
Comment by Reed Lipman (rlipman) - Tuesday, 18 June 2013, 05:57 GMT
I'm also having this issue with Adwaita in xfce.
Comment by Francois Rigaut (frigaut) - Monday, 19 August 2013, 23:18 GMT
Same here with Adwaita in xfce, and any other theme I've tried.
Scrolling works with the trackpad, but not with the scrolling button (4 and 5) of an external usb mouse.
It doesn't seem to affect all gtk3 applications though. For instance, scrolling (with an external mouse) works with evince, but not with evolution.
Comment by Reed Lipman (rlipman) - Tuesday, 20 August 2013, 00:53 GMT
One thing that worked for me was setting GDK_CORE_DEVICE_EVENTS=1.
Comment by Francois Rigaut (frigaut) - Tuesday, 20 August 2013, 01:08 GMT
Bingo ! That worked. Thanks a bunch rlipman.
Comment by Benjamin Kaiser (benjkaiser) - Wednesday, 30 October 2013, 13:09 GMT
A note to any other amatuers coming across this post, if your window manager starts with a bash script that creates its own environment (like startx if you start from that), or my wmiirc in my case, add the line 'export GDK_CORE_DEVICE_EVENTS=1' to start all apps with that environment variable. You can check this is working by opening up a terminal with your window manager and typing 'export | grep GDK_CORE_DEVICE_EVENTS' and seeing if anything comes up. Hope this helps!
Comment by Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi (djgera) - Friday, 14 February 2014, 22:04 GMT
  • Field changed: Status (Assigned → Waiting on Response)
  • Field changed: Category (Packages: Extra → Upstream Bugs)