FS#16630 - [pacman] bash completion
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Opened by J Slam (jslam) - Wednesday, 14 October 2009, 03:07 GMT
Last edited by Dan McGee (toofishes) - Wednesday, 26 May 2010, 13:53 GMT
Opened by J Slam (jslam) - Wednesday, 14 October 2009, 03:07 GMT
Last edited by Dan McGee (toofishes) - Wednesday, 26 May 2010, 13:53 GMT
In the function `_installed_pkgs()' in the file `/etc/bash_completion.d/pacman`, `ls' is used to get a list of packages for completion. On my machine (and many others I'm sure), ls is aliased to 'ls --color'. This results in the names of the packages including some color escape sequences, so that they don't complete properly. A possible remedy (and what I've done in the meantime) is just to change `ls' to `ls --color=never'. This seems like a problem that might come up in other places as well, though I haven't bothered checking. Additional info: * package version(s) 3.3.2-1 |
This task depends upon
Closed by Dan McGee (toofishes)
Wednesday, 26 May 2010, 13:53 GMT
Reason for closing: Implemented
Additional comments about closing: Commit 80f7c170
Wednesday, 26 May 2010, 13:53 GMT
Reason for closing: Implemented
Additional comments about closing: Commit 80f7c170
Same goes for grep and echo. (I don't know who'd alsias echo, but still).
As a sidenote, I recommend removing this completion from the pacman package. It's very slow and has the tendency of lagging/locking up the terminal when trying to complete pacman -S.
The solution was to use less GNU and more pacman:
enabled_repos=$(/bin/grep '\[' /etc/pacman.conf | /bin/grep -v -e 'options' -e '^#' | /bin/tr -d '[]')
available_pkgs=$(for r in $enabled_repos ; do /bin/echo /var/lib/pacman/sync/$r/*; done)
for i in $available_pkgs; do j=${i##*/}; /bin/echo ${j%-*-*} >/dev/null; done
real 0m10.512s
user 0m3.843s
sys 0m7.363s
/usr/bin/pacman -Sql >/dev/null
real 0m0.152s
user 0m0.057s
sys 0m0.093s
installed_pkgs=$(/bin/ls /var/lib/pacman/local)
for i in $installed_pkgs; do /bin/echo ${i%-*-*} >/dev/null; done
real 0m0.613s
user 0m0.210s
sys 0m0.413s
/usr/bin/pacman -Qq >/dev/null
real 0m0.029s
user 0m0.013s
sys 0m0.013s
installed_groups=$(find /var/lib/pacman/local -name desc -exec /bin/sed -ne '/%GROUPS%/,/^$/{//d; p}' {} \; | /usr/bin/sort -u)
for i in $installed_groups; do /bin/echo ${i%-*-*} >/dev/null; done
real 0m3.208s
user 0m2.690s
sys 0m0.523s
pacman -Qg | sed 's|\s.*||' | uniq >/dev/null
real 0m0.072s
user 0m0.060s
sys 0m0.023s
Another fix: _available_groups was dead code since it wasn't refered to for -Sg completion or in any other place, now fixed. Other minor changes in addition to the hardpaths. In conclusion, it's actually usable now and _much_faster.
No diff since there are so many changes, including whitespace: http://pastebin.com/m6bc2c423
Because it was unreadable.
If that's a non-factor ( :/ ), here's a diff, indent intact.
* $arglen (line 195), $i (40), $str (126) are _undeclared_ as local. Meaning that after sourcing bash_completion, using a function that deal with these vars will cause problems. This is specially important since $i and $str are common var names used in short functions. To reproduce: unset arglen i str, . /etc/bash_completion, type `pacman -Q' (or any other operand) and press tab, echo $arglen $str $i.
* Function rem_selected does not have a _ prepended, unlike all functions in bash_completion.d. The function also expands an array 3 times (that at moments can have hundreds of entries) and breaks file names with spaces or newlines.
* It uses ${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]} instead of _get_cword. This makes compgen fail when there are comp. words with spaces or newlines.
* Both _pacman and _makepkg call rem_selected even when it's the 1st word or when the completion is in the middle of an operand.
* Both _pacman and _makepkg cannot deal with completing special double options (pacman -Qii) and delete them from the list without discrimination. These functions cannot complete combination operands; if you type -Q it will skip to the next word instead of attempting to complete the current.
Departures from the previous patches:
Now commands are using `command cmd_name' instead of hardpaths. This is the canonical way of using commands in Bash completions; it doesn't assume the path of the binary.
The new version [1] is 203 lines, as opposed to 365. Every function is completely different, so I don't know what good would a patch [2] do. All noted bugs and performance issues have been corrected.
The other patch [3] is ontop 011410 and allows removing options when completing short operands. That means that -S will not return -SS as a completion match. This should've been included in the original but was overlooked.
TODO: Add support for detecting conflicting options; e.g., _makepkg shouldn't complete --force when -g is in effect.
Fixes from the original:
* Added $default to the complete options. This fixes completions when there's a redir/pipe character (>|<<>). The original pacman completion did not interpret these correctly.
Changes from 011410:
* makepkg completion should be faster since it's only processing lists depending on $cur, instead of doing every array.
* Added missing double option to pacman -S (yy for sync).
* Switched order of matches so that it prioritizes long options unless $cur is a short combined operand.
* _filedir is an old bash 2.x hack that is getting deprecated [1-2]. Removed where possible and added -o plusdirs as a replacement. This also happens to fix bugs where _pacman wouldn't complete *.pkg.tar.gz in files without periods before the extension, since it was actually going for *.*.pkg.tar.gz
* Changed complete vars ($filenames, etc.) to their actual options. The people at bash_completion are pulling them for similar reasons.
[1] http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/BashCompletion/Proposals/Roadmap
[2] http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/BashCompletion/Proposals/DropBash2Support
Diff on top the last one.
It's a 96%, but here's the git diff anyways: