FS#16538 - [bash-completion] switch to git ?
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Arch Linux
Opened by Xavier (shining) - Friday, 09 October 2009, 09:59 GMT
Last edited by Paul Mattal (paul) - Saturday, 06 February 2010, 23:19 GMT
Opened by Xavier (shining) - Friday, 09 October 2009, 09:59 GMT
Last edited by Paul Mattal (paul) - Saturday, 06 February 2010, 23:19 GMT
Aaron proposed to switch to git snapshots there :
This might be a good idea. Though I see they added a new branch 1.x : http://git.debian.org/?p=bash-completion/bash-completion.git;a=summary The diff between master and 1.x is very small. They changed version from 1.x to 1.1 (yes this is confusing.. master branch = 1.x version , 1.x branch = 1.1 version) And they removed $BASH_COMPLETION_COMPAT_DIR , whatever that is. I don't know what we should use so I kept the default (master). Anyway I just took my pkgbuild from there : http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/11196#comment41036 and made it up-to-date. |
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Closed by Paul Mattal (paul)
Saturday, 06 February 2010, 23:19 GMT
Reason for closing: No response
Additional comments about closing: Upstream has now started making releases, and we're following them. Reopen if this becomes an issue again.
Saturday, 06 February 2010, 23:19 GMT
Reason for closing: No response
Additional comments about closing: Upstream has now started making releases, and we're following them. Reopen if this becomes an issue again.
I'll get to this soon :)