FS#13306 - optdepends & Arch Linux packaging
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Opened by Greg (dolby) - Monday, 16 February 2009, 17:32 GMT
Last edited by Allan McRae (Allan) - Friday, 10 July 2009, 12:15 GMT
Opened by Greg (dolby) - Monday, 16 February 2009, 17:32 GMT
Last edited by Allan McRae (Allan) - Friday, 10 July 2009, 12:15 GMT
I feel that the way optdepends are starting to get used in
Arch Linux packaging is 100% incosistent to the whole
packaging scheme the ditribution has been following for
See for example Similar examples per phrakture are: core/kernel26 & crda, ore/syslog-ng & logrotate, core/openssl & ca-certificates etc. Those are packages totally irrelevant to the original package they optdepend on. Some examples of how IMO should optdepends be used are: extra/python & tk: for IDLE, pynche and modulator , extra/git & tk: gitk and git gui From my point of view optdepends were added: for something to be an optdepend, had to needed by some feature of the original package, eg bash. Bash-completion clearly doesnt do that because bash doesnt contain any /etc/bashcompletion.d/ files. The incosistency is here: If bash optdepends on bash-completion, per PKGBUILD(5) " is not essential to the package, but would offer increased functionality or other features when installed" what exactly is xorg-server to GNOME, KDE, XFCE, ratpoison,pekwm,openbox,fluxbox,evilwm etc etc. What is mpd to ncmpc,mpc,sonata. What is xorg-server to firefox, thunderbird, evolution, and EVERY GUI application in the Arch Linux repositories? If we care so much about "not essential features to the package", why do we totally ignore the essential ones? |
This task depends upon
Closed by Allan McRae (Allan)
Friday, 10 July 2009, 12:15 GMT
Reason for closing: Not a bug
Additional comments about closing: See final comment.
Friday, 10 July 2009, 12:15 GMT
Reason for closing: Not a bug
Additional comments about closing: See final comment.
Looks like mpd front ends and WMs should probably optdepend on mpd / X with something like "for running on the local machine" or similar. Would that cover this discrepancy?
- core/openssl -> ca-certificates: ca-certificates was part of openssl, which changed for some reason. Because ca-certificates needs openssl to process the certificates, there was a dependency loop. This loop is broken by making it an optdepend.
- core/syslog-ng -> logrotate: this used to be a dependency in the past I think, but as rotating logs is optional, it was made an optdepend. Both packages are in core/base anyways, so I don't even think users will install syslog without logrotate.
- core/kernel26 -> crda: the wireless domain used to be set unrestricted from the kernel. This is now limited to a few channels by default and should be configured using crda. This optdepend was added because it gives a hint to people why their wireless network isn't working anymore after a kernel upgrade to 2.6.28.
Then there's bash with bash-completion: I'm actually against this optdepend. Though bash-completion extends bash with optional functionality, what will be the next optdepend for bash that extends its functionality? Shall we add coreutils as optdepend to bash because you can execute nice coreutils commands from a bash shell?
IMHO optdepends should only be used to suggest a dependency which is an optional dependency not needed for core functionality which is part of the package itself. An example of this is gnome-power-manager that has gnome-panel as optdepend. It's a gnome application, with a gnome panel applet. I changed gnome-panel into an optdepend so XFCE users didn't have to install half of the GNOME desktop if they want to use gnome-power-manager.
If we start adding optdepends for functionality that is not included in the package but is provided by the external package, then it shouldn't be an optdepend. What's next? adding gnome-applets optdepends to gnome-panel because it could be nice to have some applets on your panel. The applets extend the functionality of gnome-panel, but they have nothing to do with the gnome-panel package itself.
To take a step back here: my understanding of optdepends is exactly as it's described in the man page. optdepends are "nice-to-haves" that work with the package in question. In this case, bash-completion is a "nice-to-have" for bash. This fits with the current phrasing and my current understanding.
But again, let's look at it this way: no one would argue that bash-completion compliments bash, right? If I wanted to inform users of bash completion, should I use an install scriptlet? Isn't this the _exact_ reason optdepends were added? No one has answered this question of mine yet. Would all of you harping AGAINST this as an optdepend be comfortable with it in an install script?
* Those who feel optdepends are purely informational - a way to inform people of related and useful packages
* Those who feel optdepends are for things only the original app can "load" in some way - dlopen or plugins and the like.
Is this correct?
I agree with Jan. There should be a somewhat standard behaviour to this, just like all other packaging related stuff.
I dont like the post install msg for the same reason i dont like the optdepend.
Correct me if im wrong but post install messages didnt do what you are saying they did and would be "reintroduced" either.
In fact i dont think its even included in bash anywhere. Not even in Ubuntu. Its just installed by default.
I understand that you are trying to implement dpkg's "recommends" and "suggests" function, in one in pacman.
But see for example what dpkg recommends (in green) for git: http://packages.debian.org/experimental/git-core and what pacman does: http://repos.archlinux.org/viewvc.cgi/git/repos/extra-i686/PKGBUILD?view=markup
I dont like the first one. I already explained what MY idea of optdepends is. Like i said before, there should be some standard. Thats the only thing i consider needed.
There is a difference of opinion here and we're not going to convince the other side that one is the best. So, how do we solve this? Ask the pacman guys? Have the devs vote on it?
If you dont know, maybe Dan could shed some light.
I suppose I fall into camp 2, but it seems a bit of a false dichotomy to me. Both seem a bit 'dirty'..Either you have echo statements all over in install files, or you have an oddly named 'dependency' feature that doesn't quite fit a mental model.
But! To me at least, it is simply a problem of wording. I read 'optdepends' and instantly think of something being required. I imagine module loading, and such. git is an example that instantly springs to mind. The relationship with git and git-svn, etc.
Now.. I can be a bit of a pedantic prick when it comes to vernacular, because I think the relation of words to concepts can be very important and powerful.
So this isn't really a problem for me based on the manpage, and the usage. It is just a problem with the wording of the thing itself. If it was called 'morefeaturespewpewpew' then I would never have through more than twice about it (and in all honestly, I barely did as it is!).
Maybe changing the name of it from 'optdepends', of which 'depends' is kind of a loaded term, to 'optpackages' would be a nice middle ground. Thereby making it clear that it isn't what people would normally associate this kind of thing with. It is simply a way to get more features with related packages. Not that they require the original package to function, or are necessarily based on module loading an an API.
And just a note on what i agreed without any second thought above:
"We have two camps here:
* Those who feel optdepends are purely informational - a way to inform people of related and useful packages"
Yes but, since there is no definition (how could there) to what is a related and useful package exists, IMO its better not having them at all.
I look at the "panic case" of ratpoison in debian and you know the first thought that comes to mind? "So what?"
So what? Do you know what an optdepend does? It outputs text. To a terminal screen. That's it. That's all we're talking about here. Output.
I personally can't understand the difference betweens debians "recommended" and "suggests". (see: packages.debian.org/sid/ratpoison). "so the packager "recommends" some packages and "suggests" someone else... WTF!?" I do _NOT_ think archlinux would benefit from a similar "solution" which seems like someone did a brainfart. (just like the overly complex "seperate every package into a gazillion more" debian policy)
When I originally said "maybe we should do optdepends" in pacman, I saw them as optional *dependencies*, not suggested packages. For something like GIT, the package will run fine without some of the perl modules needed for git-svn, and a lot of people will never need these things, so it is nice to make them optional instead of required. On the other hand, I didn't pepper my optdepends array with things like tig, xinetd, and qgit (all of which could be seen as helpful to have when using git).
Maybe the man page documentation is misleading, but it comes down to this for me: if we were still in the pacman 2.9.8 days, when optdepends didn't exist, then most, if not all of the things in the optdepends array should instead be in the depends array (rather than completely omitted). So I'm in camp #2.
We/he is going to fix it so there's no disparity here.
The wording will be fixed by the pacman devs - it is enough for them to know that there is confusion, and they will fix it. It'd be silly to toss wording around in this thread, as it's not all that solution oriented right now.
For some small amount of clarity, I said the following to Dan:
hmmm "any and all packages not needed for normal functionality but needed to make full use of the package" or some such
"full use of all files in this package" ?
that covers things like texinfo as an optdepend
I don't know what the final wording will be, and frankly I don't care - as long as this is cleared up, I'm happy
a) Dan is the authority on pacman. He said "it's supposed to be this way" and thus it is so
b) The wording needs changing - this will take time to get into a pacman release
FS#13395is another example, of what you see as a need, is not happening."All the cool kids do it" doesnt count if the cool kids are me and nut543.
And just for the record, since i wasnt the one who first brought up the "people coming from other distros expect this and that", see what debian does: http://packages.debian.org/sid/openoffice.org green dots again "recommends".
I gave you an example where your argument fails. Most (if not all) developers dont use it that way.
Note that openoffice doesnt even have a post install message about installing some kind of font in order to have text in the menu, which most people would claim is core functionality for openoffice and not optional like your request with bash. The developer, AndyRTR in this case, just tells the one who made the report to install some font.
If what you refer to as most, doesnt include the Arch developers, your argument is totally irrelevant to what this bug report is about.
I agree with the last line dolby wrote: If you're only talking about AUR/community packages when you say "most people use it this way", it's not exactly a compelling argument
""To be clear: No matter what anyone else says, optdepends were added because install scripts outputting "install this for blah support" were getting annoying. We can get all philosophical about what "optional" and "depend" mean, but that's the long and short of it.""
I thought Dan agreed with that. I personally think the word "optdepends" is not important, and I don't think the man page needs to give it a precise meaning.
There are two parts in the description :
1) an interpretation of what optdepends mean
""An array of packages (and accompanying reasons) that are not essential for
base functionality, but may be necessary to make full use of the contents
of this package.""
2) how is optdepends actually used by pacman
""optdepends are currently for informational purposes only
and are not utilized by pacman during dependency resolution. The format
should be similar to the following:""
Imo only 2) is really important there and 1) could be dropped. It's up to the distribution using pacman to decide how to use it.
I am only talking about how optdepends are used in Arch. The fact that i added this part of man PKGBUILD(5) only has to do with the fact that nut543 who opened the feature request
based his request on that part of text.
FS#13282.e.g. python has tk as an optdepened.
> pacman -S python
> pacman -Qi python
Optional Deps : tk: for IDLE, pynche and modulator
> pacman -S --asdep tk
> pacman -Qi python
Optional Deps : tk: for IDLE, pynche and modulator (installed)
> pacman -Qqtd
> pacman -Qqtd --optdep
tk (optdepend for python)
Given that is not what optdepends were initially designed for, I guess I will have some convincing of Dan to do...
So, does this all just come down to
1) how optdepends are handled by pacman.
2) a way of informing users of "recommended" additions to a package.
#1 makes this a dupe of
FS#12708. #2 (to me) seems that we are assuming users are too stupid to find packages finding functionality they want.Hence, I am happy if this gets closed...
As i said before, this isnt about pacman, so #1 is irrelevant. This shouldnt have moved here.