FS#1224 - wireless lan drivers in install disk
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Arch Linux
Opened by Lukas Sabota (punkrockguy318) - Wednesday, 04 August 2004, 22:33 GMT
Last edited by Tobias Powalowski (tpowa) - Wednesday, 03 October 2007, 20:39 GMT
Opened by Lukas Sabota (punkrockguy318) - Wednesday, 04 August 2004, 22:33 GMT
Last edited by Tobias Powalowski (tpowa) - Wednesday, 03 October 2007, 20:39 GMT
In the .7 installation disks, some wlan drivers should be
included. Here are some packages that should be included:
wlan-ng26 from extra atmelwlandrivers from punkrockguy318 at76c503a-cvs26 from punkrockguy318 You can not do a FTP install with a wireless card, but with these packages included, you should be able too |
This task depends upon
madwifi should also be included.
ipw2200 & rt2500 in ALL install disks
and the following tools/fw for some drivers:
I realise some are cvs, but they're also working drivers. I use the rt2x00-cvs on a daily basis.
Driver Summary:
Safe to include as all GPL:
wlan-ng26, bcm43xx, ndiswrapper, zd1211, rt2x00-cvs, rt2500, madwifi
In question, GPL, but encumbered firmware:
tiacx, at76c503a, ipw2100, ipw2200, ipw3945, rt2x00-cvs*,
rt2x00-cvs(*): safe to include but 2/6 drivers are non functional without firmware.
ipw3945: not sure about that one, but think it's OK.
ipw2x00: according to the faq, we could get away with a license agreement screen.
tiacx: no details, presumably unsafe.
at76c503a: license seemed unclear.
Extra software required:
Just wpa_supplicant, wireless_tools, and the drivers' respective dependencies.
Individual Details:
Where licenses arent quoted, they were found in the source.
ipw3945 - Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG
Package: ipw3945
Depends: ipw3945d, ipw3945-ucode\
License: GPL/http://bughost.org/ipw3945/LICENSE
"Redistributions must reproduce the above copyright notice and the
following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
provided with the distribution."
Status: Unsure. Possibly OK.
wlan-ng26 -
Depends: wlan-ng26-utils
License: MPL/GPL (dual)
GPL, so safe.
ipw2100 - Intel PRO/Wireless 2100B
Package: kernel26
Depends: ipw2100-fw
License: Driver is free, firmware is encumbered.
According to the above, we are free to distribute, so long as
a) License is included (already done)
b) We notify the user that they must agree to the license before using.
Possible solution: Install the firmware elsewhere on the CD, but have a script show license to user before installing it to the firmware dir.
ipw2200 - Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG/2915ABG
Package: kernel26
Depends: ipw2200-fw
License: Same as ipw2100.
rt2500: Ralink 2500
Package: rt2500
License: GPL
Status: GPL, safe.
rt2x00: Ralink 2x00 wireless chipsets.
Package: rt2x00-cvs
License: GPL/?
rt2x00-cvs contains: rt2500pci, rt2400pci, rt2500usb, rt61pci, rt73usb
rt61pci and rt73usb require firmware, this is not included in any arch packages and is available here:
No distribution information is given on this firmware.
Status: GPL, Safe, without firmware, but 2 drivers left non functional.
zd1211: ZyDAS ZD1211 802.11b/g USB WLAN
Package: zd1211
License: GPL
Status: GPL, safe.
ndiswrapper: Windows NDIS implementation
Package: ndiswrapper
Depends: ndiswrapper-utils
License: GPL
Status: GPL, safe, but user must provide own windows driver.
bcm43xx: Broadcom 43xx wireless chipsets..
Package: kernel26
Depends: bcm43xx-fwcutter
License: GPL
Status: GPL, safe, but user must cut their own firmware with the tool.
at76c503a: Atmel AT76C503A Media Access Controller
Package: at76c503a-cvs
Depends: at76c503a-fw-cvs
License: GPL/custom
Status: Driver safe (GPL), firmware unsure.
tiacx1xx: TI ACX Wireless chipset
Package: tiacx
Depends: tiacx-firmware
License: GPL/?
Status: Probably safe (GPL). Currently im -mm, but hasnt been merged due to concerns over how it was reverse-engineered. firmware license unsure.
madwifi: Atheros Wireless chipsets
Package: madwifi
Depends: madwifi-utils
License: GPL
Status: GPL, safe.
I've heard reports that ndiswrapper and bcm43xx-fwcutter were not include. I *clearly* marked those two as safe above.
also think of this, if you include it on install media it needs to be supported to install too.
atm there is no module on the CD to install.
you can download x86_64 Isos here: