FS#10752 - BASE not automagically installed by the ISOs

Attached to Project: Arch Linux
Opened by Greg (dolby) - Tuesday, 24 June 2008, 20:49 GMT
Last edited by Simo Leone (neotuli) - Wednesday, 22 October 2008, 09:04 GMT
Task Type Feature Request
Category Installation
Status Closed
Assigned To Simo Leone (neotuli)
Aaron Griffin (phrakture)
Architecture All
Severity Medium
Priority Normal
Reported Version 2007.08-2
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 28
Private No


Description: I think that many of us dont like having ALL packages from base installed from the isos.We would like having the choice to deselect packages like before.
This task depends upon

Closed by  Simo Leone (neotuli)
Wednesday, 22 October 2008, 09:04 GMT
Reason for closing:  Implemented
Additional comments about closing:  Why does everyone freak about arch losing choice? It's not like you couldn't uninstall some of them later.

Anyhow, implemented in git, it's back to the old-style package selection we've used for years.
Comment by Aaron Griffin (phrakture) - Tuesday, 24 June 2008, 21:28 GMT
I'm pretty neutral on this simply because all of base is very small
Comment by Ben Dibbens (ibendiben) - Tuesday, 24 June 2008, 22:35 GMT
I like base packages to be selected by default, but you should be able to deselect packages. I always did that...
Even if I would install base in total, I like to be able to see what I install at that moment...
Comment by Greg (dolby) - Tuesday, 24 June 2008, 22:44 GMT
Both Aaron and Simo expressed pretty much the following: "We've been assuming everyone has base installed for years already anyway (as far as package dependencies), might as well just install it."
IMO it would be a better approach if all dependencies of a package were present in PKGBUILDs, even the packages in base.
There are many scenarios of where base packages are meaningless for users. eg. not using a certain filesystem, a laptop, wireless, lvm, ppp etc etc.
Comment by Ben Dibbens (ibendiben) - Tuesday, 24 June 2008, 22:48 GMT
There surely is something to say for their approach, only to me it seems good that people see what is happening most of the time... giving them an option to change/investigate what they don't like or get...
Comment by Jules (Misfit138) - Tuesday, 24 June 2008, 23:37 GMT
I actually always prune out some base packages on every install; xfsprogs, pcmcia utils and nano come to mind.
More importantly, though, both the *transparency* and the ability of choosing from each and *every* package is important.
Comment by Gavin Bisesi (Daenyth) - Tuesday, 24 June 2008, 23:43 GMT
I think selected by default but still deselectable would be better.
Comment by Zack (Sjoden) - Tuesday, 24 June 2008, 23:54 GMT
I agree with dolby, having all depends in the base pkgbuilds, even if those depends are in base as well. I think having base selected by default is a good thing too, but I like being able to deselect lilo, reiserfs, jfsutils, and xfsutils, since I never use them.
Comment by Aaron Griffin (phrakture) - Wednesday, 25 June 2008, 00:37 GMT
Regarding the "all deps listed" issue: it can be hard, especially with bash scripts. Bug reports are always welcome, though.

Simo, I'm starting to think maybe we should go back to the "older way", not due to demand, but due to the "don't hide shit from me" philosophy. I haven't installed Arch fresh in ages, but I know I hate me some xfsprogs and lilo, so I'd probably make use of it.
Comment by Jud (judfilm) - Wednesday, 25 June 2008, 07:48 GMT
Comment by Pierre Chapuis (catwell) - Wednesday, 25 June 2008, 11:37 GMT
Agreed too. Although it's still possible to pacman -R afterwards, I don't like the fact that something is installed implicitly. It was no too difficult to just press enter before as all base packages were selected by default.
Comment by Ben Dibbens (ibendiben) - Wednesday, 25 June 2008, 12:05 GMT
I remember they weren't selected by default in the latest 2007.blah iso's. There was a time they were though, cause it's stated in wiki's and the installer informant.
Comment by Ben Dibbens (ibendiben) - Wednesday, 25 June 2008, 13:57 GMT
I remember they weren't selected by default in the latest 2007.blah iso's. There was a time they were though, cause it's stated in wiki's and the installer informant.
Comment by Ben Dibbens (ibendiben) - Wednesday, 25 June 2008, 13:59 GMT
Sorry, I did a refresh :(
Comment by Rasat (rasat) - Wednesday, 25 June 2008, 15:14 GMT
> I like base packages to be selected by default, but you should be able
> to deselect packages. I always did that...

This I also like and do.
The Arch philosophy is to give the option of choices.
Comment by dienadel (dienadel) - Wednesday, 25 June 2008, 21:30 GMT
Please, give the option to deselect what i don't need. I always hate the too floated installation of other distros. With arch, i found the way to install only what i need. See this post, and take a look what the whole base installation means for me, compared to how i proceed until now:

Comment by Catalin Stoian (unixlust) - Saturday, 12 July 2008, 17:46 GMT
Please, don't force us to install any stuff we do not want. I want to know my system is clean by default, and not a dirty one that needs cleaning. Arch was and should REMAIN about choices ! Please don't break this behaviour !