FS#10220 - MPplayer in two separate packages
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Arch Linux
Opened by Kramer (kramerxiita) - Friday, 18 April 2008, 23:12 GMT
Last edited by Hugo Doria (hdoria) - Monday, 27 April 2009, 20:01 GMT
Opened by Kramer (kramerxiita) - Friday, 18 April 2008, 23:12 GMT
Last edited by Hugo Doria (hdoria) - Monday, 27 April 2009, 20:01 GMT
Please, rename mplayer in extra to gmplayer. Like vim and
gvim is separate, mplayer without GUI should be separe from
Mplayer with GUI (G-Mplayer). And create mplayer package
mplayer only command line options.
Having these two separate would be good for most users. Most people don't use Mplayer GUI (or use others GUI, like GNOME Mplayer, SMplayer...) and install mplayer (with include GUI) is totally unnecessary for this people. Please, consider this. PS: Sorry my English. |
This task depends upon
Closed by Hugo Doria (hdoria)
Monday, 27 April 2009, 20:01 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: Fixed on mplayer 29188.
Monday, 27 April 2009, 20:01 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: Fixed on mplayer 29188.
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Feb 26 15:23 /usr/bin/gmplayer -> mplayer*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 9.6M Feb 26 15:23 /usr/bin/mplayer*
So what was it you wanted? A package that only contains a symlink?
If you decided to go through with this, I suggest we create a new package for console-only MPlayer instead of modify the default one, similar on how there's are vanilla conky package and conly-cli package.
In my humble opinion, the package with the default configuration should be the 'default' one in our main repositories, while the modified package, in this case a command-line only MPlayer, should be made into a new separate package.
also see http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=47311
So, maybe the solution is create a mplayer package without GUI.
Like this: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=16102
I want a package without gtk2 dependencies and default GUI.
+1 to mplayer + gmplayer
How to vote?
1) I hate splitted packages.
2) MPlayer in extra already provides an mplayer executable without the GUI
3) More uneeded packaging load on developers.
4) A no gui version is part of AUR. With AUR being an alive and well part of Archlinux users can install that one if they want to skip the gtk2 dependency
5) The way this feature request evolved.
--enable-gui enable GMPlayer compilation (GTK+ GUI) [disable]
The default is for gui to be disabled. Few people use the gui as far as
I've heard.
I say build mplayer with a config that is as close to the default as is
reasonable. If the gui is disabled by default, build without the gui.
Only provide one mplayer package. If someone wants some special config
options let them build via ABS. Cheers!
That's how links browser in the official repo is compiled, for example, w/o graphics support, and if you want graphics, you can use a package from AUR or do it yourself using ABS.
4) A no gui version is part of AUR. With AUR being an alive and well part of Archlinux users can install that one if they want to skip the gtk2 dependency
BTW since i forgot to write it above, this request is for having 2 seperate packages in the repos and the 20 users have voted to have that, NOT just 1 mplayer package that doesnt provide a GUI.
that I believe is hardly used and it pulls in a whole toolkit.
I've tried the GUI. It's really not worth looking at. Anyone that I've
talked to seems to agree.
There's one comment asking to keep the GUI but also admitting
that the package should be built with defaults (no GUI).
Anyways packages should be built as close to default as is reasonable.
I think the consensus here is to remove the mplayer GUI.
Actually I'm thinking the same number of people that are inconvenienced
by the GTK dependency are about the same number of people that actually
use the GUI. In this case I would side with defaults, and removing the
Maybe we should do test and see how mplayer built with GUI reacts when
GTK is missing. If it fails then remove GUI. If not, then leave it and
put GTK as a makedepends and optdepends.
simply remove GTK.
I say remove the GUI. Mplayer is geared towards the
command-line terminal user, not the point and click user.
Also, like dolby said, isn't this bug report about requesting MPlayer package to be split into two packages? Why have it turns into "let's disable MPlayer default GUI"?
Also, like dolby said, isn't this bug report about requesting MPlayer package to be split into two packages? Why have it turns into "let's disable MPlayer default GUI"?
The problem here is MPlayer have been compiled with GUI enabled for so long. Having only one MPlayer package with disable-GUI option is the equivalent of stripping a feature from a package for... what reason? It will also effect other package in the official repositories. For example, what will happens to mplayer-skins package? Will it have to be remove or move to communities/AUR?
Also, replace the current MPlayer with the new one without GUI will causes problem for users who are currently using the GUI, again for what reason? Do we really need to have users complaining on the forum/bug tracker that their (g)MPlayer package didn't work after upgrade?
Again, this bug report is about splitting MPlayer into 2 packages that will provide the same functionalities for all users as the old one, not having one with stripped down functionalities for no good reason. I'm sure a lot of people who voted for this bug are not doing so because they wish to have only one MPlayer package.
Yes. So should I file a report asking for links browser with graphics enabled by default? No. Why? Because graphics are disabled _by default_ in the upstream sources. I will not whine because of that, because I know how I can enable graphics (or anything else I need using ABS). I prefer vanilla packages regardless of whether they are directly usable to me or I have to tweak them.
I personally think it's overkill to have TWO packages for the SAME software, so I think it should be one that's as close to upstream defaults as practical.
"Again, this bug report is about splitting MPlayer into 2 packages that will provide the same functionalities for all users as the old one"
Not quite. The main point of the original report was this:
* Default mplayer package without GUI called mplayer
* Secondary mplayer package with GUI called gmplayer, mplayer-gui or whatever
It's not just about splitting, but also about what should be considered the default. If Arch says it distributes vanilla packages (or as close to vanilla as possible, which is exactly what I've been told when I started using Arch), then it's logical to expect an user to get the same thing that is present on upstream servers, just compiled to work on Arch. If the upstream default is no GUI, then I prefer no GUI and manual tweaking with ABS, rather than having the devs tweak the packages for me (other than making them work in the first place, of course).
Is it overkill to have 2 slightly different MPlayer packages? I personally don't think so, but I leave the final decision to the maintainer.
IMHO, I prefers that we didn't breaks MPlayer for people who currently use the default GUI (the people who didn't use the GUI won't be effected by the change anyway), and this is why I insisted that there should be two MPlayer packages.
If I don't want the gui, I can use ABS and build my own package.
- GUI option *modified* from default
- gtk2 dependency *added* to mplayer
- skin file *added* to mplayer
Is this really a waste of time? There is a limit to how vanilla you should be, but it makes sense to change the default extra/mplayer package to one that doesn't have GUI enabled as per upstream default.
Remember GUI is not default in MPlayer. So, a hope, mplayer without gui for default.
Has anyone actually made the split packages for mplayer and gmplayer and posted the PKGBUILDs here? Is that even possible or do we need an mplayer and a mplayer-gui package that conflict each other? Anyone actually done the research on this?
And since this is a request, IF it takes.
TomK has stated already that next mplayer-svn build (made by him) will have no GUI, but IIRC never commented on having a gmplayer-svn too..
Brain0 still hasnt responded.
It's a feature. This is not perfect but it works and I know 2 people here who use it.
If you want to build a desktop without gtk, sync ABS, remove -enable-gui and install it.
You can also get a pkgbuild from AUR: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=18078
I'm pretty sure we can't build two package that will not conflict.
Kiss also mean "do it yourself"...
I don't see why it should be included with everything that uses MPlayer.
However, Arch doesn't have a history of split packages, that too splitting mplayer
just because of a single dependency of gtk2 seems silly to me. It is possible though
to make split packages so that the package for gmplayer depends on mplayer. The trick
is simply removing all the common files from the gmplayer package (which otherwise
is the same as the mplayer package only compiled with the --enable-gui option). Also
since a single mplayer binary must be either compiled *with* or *without* GTK2, there
can't be a symlink from gmplayer to mplayer, like in the present case. Thus there needs
to be then two binaries gmplayer and mplayer separately. I've attached the two PKGBUILDs
below. This solution is very hackish though (the total size requirement
of gmplayer and mplayer package goes up to ~13MiB instead of the current 8.3MiB because of
the duplication of the binary, also the package needs to be compiled twice, wasting time).
I've tested the packages by building on my machine (i686) and it works fine here.
I noticed that Debian does not have a separate mplayer-nogui, though Ubuntu has. Ubuntu's
mplayer-nogui also cannot coexist with mplayer (there's a Provides relation).
Sorry if this is obsolete revival.
MPlayer and GMPlayer totally should be seperated.
For me it’s not about having to install GTK if installing MPlayer, it’s about starting MPlayer without GUI. When setting a MIME aware application to start video files with MPlayer, it should be MPlayer and not GMPlayer.
What we (i) need is: two *.desktop-files. One saying “MPlayer”, that starts MPlayer in no-GUI mode (video window only) and one saying “GMPlayer” and starting MPlayer in GUI mode (video window and controls).
Additionally changing MPlayer’s dependencies and making GTK optional for MPlayer would be good for systems used without GTK.
* mplayer (without GUI)
* gmplayer (mplayer with default gui)
* mencoder
(if it fits your taste the two main packages can be renamed to mplayer (with default GUI) and mplayer-cli)
The main reason for my proposal is that mplayer "full" package has some pretty different dependencies, And always yoy end installing extra packages that you don't really need.
So for example, if I would try to install an gtk frontend to mplayer, that will pull the extra files of the default GUI shipped with mplayer, that's not so bad, but now think that i'm running KDE and i'm going to install a QT frontend for mplayer, that will pull me all the deps to run the default interface of mplayer, including the GTK kit!
So, to address deps problems my proposal is this:
* All mplayer frontends sould depend (on mplayer / mplayer-nogui depending on the opted scheme)
* All mencoder frontends should depend on mencoder (as this packages doesn't depens on it only pulls the correct depencencies)
Also when installing mplayer (any version) you dot't have to pull the deps for mencoder (a package and deps that maybe you'll never use)
The good thing is that the half of the work is been done by SlumSlayer, he packaged mplayer without gui, but with all the things of the mplayer from extra (leaving mencoder out, keep reading) because, ke made a separated mencoder package, Ergo the work is already done:
Here are the links for the AUR packages:
mplayer-nogui: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=20103
mencodeer: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=20103
I think that packaging scheme should be adopted, and the packages by SlumSlayer had to be taken by an TU an moved to extra.