FS#8235 - acidrip: should install to site_perl/current
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Arch Linux
Opened by Francois Charette (Firmicus) - Saturday, 06 October 2007, 14:06 GMT
Last edited by Eric Belanger (Snowman) - Wednesday, 05 December 2007, 08:25 GMT
Opened by Francois Charette (Firmicus) - Saturday, 06 October 2007, 14:06 GMT
Last edited by Eric Belanger (Snowman) - Wednesday, 05 December 2007, 08:25 GMT
The Perl modules get installed to /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/AcidRip instead of /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/current/AcidRip and thus overwrite the symlink 5.8.8 -> current (see http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/8231 for a similar case). Fix: In the PKGBUILD, perl Makefile.PL should rather be : eval `perl -V:archname` perl Makefile.PL \ INSTALLARCHLIB=/usr/lib/perl5/current/${archname} \ INSTALLSITELIB=/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/current \ INSTALLSITEARCH=/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/current/${archname} as with standard perl packages. I have improved a few other things in the PKGBUILD: see attachment. Note also that "crop-fixes.patch" is currently NOT on CVS! Additional info: * package version(s) 0.14-3 |
This task depends upon

the perl symlink clobbering is fixed in acidrip-0.14-5