FS#80240 - [systemd] 254.6 missing 90-uki-copy.install breaks system on kernel update
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Arch Linux
Opened by j-hap (j-hap) - Sunday, 12 November 2023, 20:23 GMT
Last edited by Christian Hesse (eworm) - Monday, 13 November 2023, 08:40 GMT
Opened by j-hap (j-hap) - Sunday, 12 November 2023, 20:23 GMT
Last edited by Christian Hesse (eworm) - Monday, 13 November 2023, 08:40 GMT
Description: With package version 254.6 the
90-uki-copy.install was moved (see commit below). I let
mkinitcpio create a uki and kernel-install puts it to /boot.
On a kernel update however kernel-install did not move the
generated uki to /boot, because the uki-copy hook was
missing. I was dropped into an emergency shell on the next
boot, because the .efi below /boot did not match the
installed kernel.
Workaround: - downgrade kernel so it matches the entries in /boot again or - remove layout=uki from /etc/kernel/install.conf and reinstall kernel to create non-uki boot entries Additional info: https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/packaging/packages/systemd/-/commit/c8e85fd3a721df07a629fe17c1bc24a75e492193 Steps to reproduce: follow https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Unified_kernel_image#kernel-install to set up UKI with kernel-install and mkinitcpio remove any existing uki-.efi files from /boot reinstall kernel check /boot for uki-.efi files (there are none) |
This task depends upon
Closed by Christian Hesse (eworm)
Monday, 13 November 2023, 08:40 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: systemd 254.6-2
Monday, 13 November 2023, 08:40 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: systemd 254.6-2
I'm not real familiar with UKI's..but my reading of the Wiki page leads me to believe "systemd-ukify" is a hard requirement. This is also backed up by the optional dep description for systemd:
systemd-ukify: combine kernel and initrd into a signed Unified Kernel Image
Feel free to edit the Wiki page if you think it's not clear enough.
@eworm, any comments you'd like to add here? It seems like "Not a bug" to me...
It is possible that in the future mkinitcpio may gain support for using ukify to create UKIs, if ukify ever gets rewritten in a compiled language, but that is still far in the future. And I imagine that then systemd-ukify wouldn't be a split-package anymore and this would not be an issue.