FS#75073 - [superslicer] [prusa-slicer] Collision with prusa-slicer, can't install both at the same time
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Community Packages
Opened by Arvid Norlander (VorpalGun) - Wednesday, 15 June 2022, 14:21 GMT
Last edited by Bruno Pagani (ArchangeGabriel) - Thursday, 07 July 2022, 10:58 GMT
Opened by Arvid Norlander (VorpalGun) - Wednesday, 15 June 2022, 14:21 GMT
Last edited by Bruno Pagani (ArchangeGabriel) - Thursday, 07 July 2022, 10:58 GMT
I have both prusa-slicer and superslicer (from AUR previously) installed. Now when updating to the version packaged in community I got the following error: superslicer: /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/90-3dconnexion.rules exists in filesystem (owned by prusa-slicer) The packages should be possible to install side by side, I use both slicers. As far as I can tell, apart from this file collision (which is the same file in both cases) they should work just fine side by side. Additional info: * package version(s): prusa-slicer 2.4.2-3, superslicer Steps to reproduce: * Install both prusa-slicer and superslicer |
This task depends upon
Closed by Bruno Pagani (ArchangeGabriel)
Thursday, 07 July 2022, 10:58 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: prusa-slicer 2.4.2-4 and
superslicer 1: now depends on slicer-udev 2.4.2-4 extracted from prusa-slicer.
Thursday, 07 July 2022, 10:58 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: prusa-slicer 2.4.2-4 and
superslicer 1: now depends on slicer-udev 2.4.2-4 extracted from prusa-slicer.

@Alucryd Maybe we should do a slicer-udev package with just the
rules? They are already some like

Yes, let's do it that way. Unless this causes issues I guess it
can be split from prusa and deleted from super, with super being a
fork of prusa?