FS#73649 - qt6-base/qtcore now missing symbol _ZN7QLocaleC1ERK7QString
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Community Packages
Opened by Pierre Ducroquet (Pinaraf) - Sunday, 06 February 2022, 14:27 GMT
Last edited by Antonio Rojas (arojas) - Monday, 07 February 2022, 11:22 GMT
Opened by Pierre Ducroquet (Pinaraf) - Sunday, 06 February 2022, 14:27 GMT
Last edited by Antonio Rojas (arojas) - Monday, 07 February 2022, 11:22 GMT
Description: following the upgrade of Qt6 to 6.3.0-beta1,
some applications (for instance telegram-desktop) do not
start anymore with the error message: "undefined symbol
_ZN7QLocaleC1ERK7QString" (QLocale::QLocale(QString
This seems strange since there is no deprecation of any kind around this symbol, and it is still mentioned in Qt documentation as being current. |
This task depends upon
Closed by Antonio Rojas (arojas)
Monday, 07 February 2022, 11:22 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: qt6-base 6.3.0beta1-2
Monday, 07 February 2022, 11:22 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: qt6-base 6.3.0beta1-2
