FS#70702 - [wpscan] 1:3.8.17-1 bloated with over 90 MB of unnecessary files

Attached to Project: Community Packages
Opened by Tom Richards (trichards) - Tuesday, 04 May 2021, 03:36 GMT
Last edited by Jelle van der Waa (jelly) - Sunday, 17 September 2023, 10:03 GMT
Task Type General Gripe
Category Packages
Status Closed
Assigned To Levente Polyak (anthraxx)
kpcyrd (kpcyrd)
Architecture All
Severity Low
Priority Normal
Reported Version
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 0
Private No


Description: The wpscan package contains over 90 MB of unnecessary spec files which are only used for development purposes and are never required to run the software. These spec files represent roughly 80% of the package's current size.

It is worth mentioning that the gem's original packaging specification does not include these files; only the app/ and lib/ directories are included along with the readme and license.


Additional info:
* package version(s): 1:3.8.17-1

Steps to reproduce:
1. Install package
2. Observe presence and size of spec directory relative to the package.

$ du -sh /opt/wpscan
121M /opt/wpscan

$ du -sh /opt/wpscan/spec
96M /opt/wpscan/spec

Suggested fix: Do not package the spec/ directory.
This task depends upon

Closed by  Jelle van der Waa (jelly)
Sunday, 17 September 2023, 10:03 GMT
Reason for closing:  Fixed
Additional comments about closing:  1-3.8.24-2
Comment by Buggy McBugFace (bugbot) - Tuesday, 08 August 2023, 19:11 GMT
This is an automated comment as this bug is open for more then 2 years. Please reply if you still experience this bug otherwise this issue will be closed after 1 month.