FS#70520 - [libcaca] [security] multiple overflow vulnerabilities
Attached to Project:
Arch Linux
Opened by T.J. Townsend (blakkheim) - Tuesday, 20 April 2021, 18:05 GMT
Last edited by Antonio Rojas (arojas) - Sunday, 24 October 2021, 10:29 GMT
Opened by T.J. Townsend (blakkheim) - Tuesday, 20 April 2021, 18:05 GMT
Last edited by Antonio Rojas (arojas) - Sunday, 24 October 2021, 10:29 GMT
Several security fixes have been posted to the libcaca issue tracker that include stack buffer overflows and heap buffer overflows. We may want to bring them into the Arch package as upstream is not super active. Additional info: https://github.com/cacalabs/libcaca/issues/53 https://github.com/cacalabs/libcaca/issues/54 https://github.com/cacalabs/libcaca/issues/55 https://github.com/cacalabs/libcaca/issues/56 |
This task depends upon

Friendly ping.

There's a PR to fix 53 and 54
(https://github.com/cacalabs/libcaca/pull/57) but no fix for 55
and 56.

This can be closed now.