FS#67606 - [pacman] libmakepkg git script should support single branch clone
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Opened by BrLi (brli) - Sunday, 16 August 2020, 17:08 GMT
Last edited by Eli Schwartz (eschwartz) - Sunday, 16 August 2020, 17:34 GMT
Opened by BrLi (brli) - Sunday, 16 August 2020, 17:08 GMT
Last edited by Eli Schwartz (eschwartz) - Sunday, 16 August 2020, 17:34 GMT
`git clone --single-branch --branch=$ref --depth 1` supports not only branch but also tag now, should this be the default behavior for makepkg to download source, which would decrease download size a lot. Additional info: * package version(s) * config and/or log files etc. * link to upstream bug report, if any Steps to reproduce: |
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