FS#67295 - [tigervnc] fltk 1.3.5-2 breaks tigervnc cursor
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Opened by Paul Kerry (paulkerry) - Thursday, 16 July 2020, 10:55 GMT
Last edited by Sergej Pupykin (sergej) - Monday, 05 October 2020, 13:07 GMT
Opened by Paul Kerry (paulkerry) - Thursday, 16 July 2020, 10:55 GMT
Last edited by Sergej Pupykin (sergej) - Monday, 05 October 2020, 13:07 GMT
fltk 1.3.5-2 breaks the tigervnc 1.10.1-2 cursor Additional info: * package version(s): as above * config and/or log files etc.: N/A * link to upstream bug report, if any: N/A Steps to reproduce: Upgrading from 1.3.5-1 to 1.3.5-2 has broken the tigervnc cursor. In the tigervnc session, the cursor remains as a pointer at all times, rather than changing to different cursors depending on whereabouts it is pointing (i.e when resizing windows via corners, text input, moving windows). Downgrading to 1.3.5-1 fixes the issue, as does building fltk from source. Maybe related... - https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/36928 - libxcursor has been removed from depends in the PKGBUILD so might not be picked up on building? Regards Paul |
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This is also the case with tigervnc 1.11.0-4. What I don't
understand is why rebuilding fltk (e.g. with the PKGBUILD and
makepkg) and reinstalling it as a package fixes the cursor issue
in tigervnc, i.e. without rebuilding tigervnc? Shouldn't the
builds of fltk be the same? Or is it caused by libxcursor not
being picked up on the Arch bot that builds the official fltk
package, versus my local build where I have libxcursor installed?

Reported as an fltk bug at

Thanks - I did originally file this as a fltk bug, but somehow
it's now under tigervnc. I'm fairly sure I originally put [fltk]
in the header line, but maybe it's been edited?

This bug can be closed as it has been fixed by 67916