FS#63793 - [gmock] package does not include all expected files
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Opened by John Henderson (jwhendy) - Monday, 16 September 2019, 17:35 GMT
Last edited by Levente Polyak (anthraxx) - Sunday, 24 May 2020, 18:41 GMT
Opened by John Henderson (jwhendy) - Monday, 16 September 2019, 17:35 GMT
Last edited by Levente Polyak (anthraxx) - Sunday, 24 May 2020, 18:41 GMT
Description: I recently tried to build
ros-melodic-realtime-tools, getting build errors with gmock
not being found. There are some other reports of this, and I
filed github issues in the following places:
- catkin, which is responsible for finding gmock and gtest: https://github.com/ros/catkin/issues/1030 - the ROS package failing to build: https://github.com/ros/catkin/issues/1030 Another user on Debian ran into this and a patch was able to correct the issue, but it didn't work for me. - proposed patch to catkin: https://github.com/ros/catkin/pull/1022 Note his comment here, which shows a much different /usr/src/gmock structure than what arch has after package installation: - https://github.com/ros/catkin/issues/1030#issuecomment-531868346 Here's what we have in /usr/src/gmock: $ ls /usr/src/gmock/ gmock-all.cc gmock-cardinalities.cc gmock.cc gmock-internal-utils.cc gmock_main.cc gmock-matchers.cc gmock-spec-builders.cc After building this, however, I think we have what we need, it's just not being packaged: $ pwd /home/jwhendy/installed/build/gmock/src/googletest-release-1.8.1 $ ls googlemock/ autom4te.cache cmake fused-src make scripts test CHANGES config.log configure CONTRIBUTORS LICENSE Makefile.am README.md build-aux docs include msvc src aclocal.m4 CMakeLists.txt config.status configure.ac libtool Makefile Makefile.in Lastly, I might also suggest referring to the patch at catkin #1022 linked above. Note the directory names... they use the default googlemock and googletest directories throughout, whereas arch is renaming them to gmock and gtest. I don't have a ton of packaging experience either, but if there is an opportunity to standardize to what's expected/recommended upstream, it would help when patches come out. As-is, think we'd have to change all their dir structures in the patch to match ours. So far the only way I know to reproduce is to try and build realtime_tools from upstream with arch's gmock 1.8.1 installed. I'm happy to serve as the test subject, though, as I have all required ROS deps already built. |
This task depends upon
Closed by Levente Polyak (anthraxx)
Sunday, 24 May 2020, 18:41 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: 1.10.0-1
Sunday, 24 May 2020, 18:41 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: 1.10.0-1
$ ls /usr/src/gmock/
build-aux make src aclocal.m4 configure gmock-all.cc gmock.cc gmock_main.cc gmock-spec-builders.cc
cmake scripts test CMakeLists.txt configure.ac gmock-cardinalities.cc gmock-internal-utils.cc gmock-matchers.cc Makefile.in
$ ls /usr/src/gtest
build-aux cmake m4 make scripts src test aclocal.m4 CMakeLists.txt configure configure.ac Makefile.am Makefile.in
So, maybe this isn't the ultimate issue, but I think the difference in dir structures might still warrant verification on if this is what should be there.
- https://github.com/ros/catkin/issues/1030
I think gtest and gmock are not standardized.
$ ls -R /usr/src/gtest/
cmake src CMakeLists.txt
Config.cmake.in gtest_main.pc.in gtest.pc.in internal_utils.cmake
gtest-all.cc gtest-filepath.cc gtest-port.cc gtest-typed-test.cc
gtest.cc gtest-internal-inl.h gtest-printers.cc
gtest-death-test.cc gtest_main.cc gtest-test-part.cc
$ ls -R /usr/src/gmock/
src gmock-cardinalities.cc gmock_main.cc
CMakeLists.txt gmock.cc gmock-matchers.cc
gmock-all.cc gmock-internal-utils.cc gmock-spec-builders.cc
Unless some package expects /usr/src/gmock/*.cc, I would propose standardizing to /usr/src/gmock/src, as that's where gtest *.cc files live, and that's where things get checked at my bug above. Alternatively, could someone explain why one is nested in another src/ dir for gtest, but not gmock?