FS#57639 - [vlc] Chromecast support missing
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Arch Linux
Opened by Konstantin Gizdov (kgizdov) - Monday, 26 February 2018, 00:40 GMT
Last edited by Levente Polyak (anthraxx) - Monday, 26 February 2018, 23:19 GMT
Opened by Konstantin Gizdov (kgizdov) - Monday, 26 February 2018, 00:40 GMT
Last edited by Levente Polyak (anthraxx) - Monday, 26 February 2018, 23:19 GMT
In the current build, when one tries to stream to a Chromecast, VLC cannot find it with the following error: [00007f95d81159c0] main probe debug: looking for renderer probe module matching "any": 0 candidates [00007f95d81159c0] main probe debug: no renderer probe modules Reported upstream to VLC - https://trac.videolan.org/vlc/ticket/19859 , but VLC says it's not a problem with VLC itself. Additional info: * package version(s) - 3.0.0-1 * config and/or log files etc. - N/A Steps to reproduce: 1. Install VLC 2. Switch on Chromecast and connect to local WiFi 3. Open VLC 4. Go to Playback->Renderer 5. See VLC is stuck on 'Scanning...' and never finds Chromecast |
This task depends upon
Closed by Levente Polyak (anthraxx)
Monday, 26 February 2018, 23:19 GMT
Reason for closing: Implemented
Additional comments about closing: 3.0.0-2
Monday, 26 February 2018, 23:19 GMT
Reason for closing: Implemented
Additional comments about closing: 3.0.0-2
vlc /usr/lib/vlc/plugins/stream_out/libstream_out_chromecast_plugin.so
not sure what you mean by missing
The last 2 lines in the log in the upstream ticket:
[00007fe154555d20] main probe debug: looking for renderer probe module matching "any": 0 candidates
[00007fe154555d20] main probe debug: no renderer probe modules
I get this every time I open the Renderer submenu.
Also, while I'm here, it would be great to have libplacebo for tonemapping 10 bit to 8 bit. This is included by default in the VLC binaries I believe, and e.g. Debian has it built in.
@amfontenot: Looking at the logs from my build, `--enable-microdns` flag fails to find its requirements and continues. This is probably because of missing/incorrect dependencies as well.
This is the same conclusion one comes to after @Scimmia's comment.
I would appreciate some help here, if it is indeed my misunderstanding, but as far as I can tell this looks like a deps issue.
What I'm saying is that you are overcompilcating analysis also on the VLC upstream side, libx265 is pulled in as hard dependency of ffmpeg but you clearly have a unlinkable version:
[0000562eed77b3f0] main libvlc warning: cannot load module `/usr/lib/vlc/plugins/codec/libx265_plugin.so'
(libx265.so.151: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
I don't say there is nothing to solve here, but you are overcompicating analysis on this and especially VLC side if you provide them logs and testing where the libx265 can't even be loaded and show a serious package state problem on your side. You either take [testing] or you don't.
kgizdov: if you're compiling for yourself, you need to add --enable-microdns to the PKGBUILD. Since Arch doesn't currently have a package for this library you could built it in statically using the contrib folder. E.g. go into contrib/ and build just microdns, then tell the PKGBUILD how to find it with something like
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="contrib/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/lib/pkgconfig"
@anthraxx, Initial install from Sat was from 'Staging', this is not an issue anymore. Even though, it is clear to all of us that not having libx265 has absolutely nothing to do with the issue in question. I do not plan on spending anymore time convincing anyone of this.
However, I have followed what you suggested in the name of cooperation and to show that I am indeed putting efforts towards fixing this. I include the new log and the deps list from pacman. You can see that I've added the two extra flags for Chromecast support and, except for the visualization lib, all optional deps are installed. Absolutely nowhere in the package is a mention that `libmicrodns` is required or even suggested. It's not even in the `makedepends`.
@amfontenot, I agree, this should be added to the package. This is what the VLC devs suggested on the original issue.
I hope I have answered all queries and we can move on to some solutions. For me, the issue is identified and I have created a new PKGBUILD available on my repo for anyone wishing to test it out - https://github.com/kgizdov/vlc . Logs of correct operation are also included.
it was properly brought up by amfontenot and if you would have read the whole conversation you would have seen that i added microdns freshly like 12h ago to the repo to add the missing discovery support to vlc.
never ever again install anything from [staging] you reported bugs in an definitive broken and 100% unsupporeted state, no mater if noting to do with it or not. just don't, ever!
libmicrodns was added to the repo 12h ago, not to VLC. It was going through a complete rework for other things, take a look instead of assuming something out of nothing.