FS#5623 - Inconsistency in /usr/share/licenses directory
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Arch Linux
Opened by Michal Krenek (Mikos) - Thursday, 19 October 2006, 12:29 GMT
Last edited by Greg (dolby) - Wednesday, 23 July 2008, 21:13 GMT
Opened by Michal Krenek (Mikos) - Thursday, 19 October 2006, 12:29 GMT
Last edited by Greg (dolby) - Wednesday, 23 July 2008, 21:13 GMT
Some packages installs custom licenses directly to
subdirectories in /usr/share/licenses (for example
nvidia-utils, boost, conky). Other packages installs custom
licenses to subdirectories in /usr/share/licenses/custom
(for example opera, unrar, ipython, divx4linux,
ttf-bitstream-vera, ttf-dejavu). This is very bad
inconsistency. What is the right option for custom luicenses
- /usr/share/licenses or /usr/share/licenses/custom? Only
one location should be chosen and all packages should use
only that one. Bad packages (which uses bad location) should
be fixed and rebuilt as soon as possible.
This task depends upon
Closed by Greg (dolby)
Wednesday, 23 July 2008, 21:13 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: Closing as flashplayer-standalone was removed from repos. If you know another package that still has that problem feel free to ask for a reopening.
Wednesday, 23 July 2008, 21:13 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: Closing as flashplayer-standalone was removed from repos. If you know another package that still has that problem feel free to ask for a reopening.
This field specifies the license(s) that apply to
the package. Commonly-used licenses are typically
found in /usr/share/licenses/common. If you see
the package's license there, simply reference it
in the license field (eg, license="GPL"). If the
package provides a license not found in
/usr/share/licenses/common, then you should
include the license in the package itself and set
license="custom" or license="custom:LicenseName".
The license itself should be placed in a directory
called $startdir/pkg/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname.
If multiple licenses are applied, use the array
form: licenses=('GPL' 'FDL')
On my machine these are ttf-bitsream-vera, ttf-dejavu and unrar (custom/rarsoft !).
Also, some of files are named license.txt, others LICENSE.
I'd say just name the file like the original.
$ pacman -Qo /usr/share/licenses/LEGAL.NOTICE
/usr/share/licenses/LEGAL.NOTICE is owned by file 4.21-2
$ ls /usr/share/licenses/custom/
openssh ttf-bitstream-vera
$ pacman -Q openssh ttf-bitstream-vera
openssh 4.7p1-1
ttf-bitstream-vera 1.10-5
I can get openssh later too unless you want to do it.
- flashplayer-standalone
- blas
- ttf-bitstream-vera (fixed in CVS, as already noted)
phrakture: why do I still have /var/abs/testing/core/support/openssh?
So this leaves only blas, correct?
Everything else is either fixed in HEAD or from community. By the way, latest ttf-bitstream-vera is only tagged CURRENT-64.
Another (very bikesheddy) thing I noticed:
Now that the dirname is clear, there's no consensus on the filename; some prefer license.txt, another one uses LICENSE, and others just copy the original file, if any.
But it's so irrelevant that I wouldn't post a bug for that, even if it's #9999. ;]
phrakture: openshh/PKGBUILD Rev. 1.66 is still tagged TESTING/TESTING-64 :p