FS#53781 - [thunderbird] Include translations for Lightning

Attached to Project: Arch Linux
Opened by Balló György (City-busz) - Monday, 24 April 2017, 13:51 GMT
Last edited by Jan de Groot (JGC) - Friday, 20 November 2020, 11:43 GMT
Task Type Feature Request
Category Packages: Extra
Status Closed
Assigned To Jan de Groot (JGC)
Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig)
Architecture All
Severity Low
Priority Normal
Reported Version
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 12
Private No


See my proposal in  FS#50219 
This task depends upon

Closed by  Jan de Groot (JGC)
Friday, 20 November 2020, 11:43 GMT
Reason for closing:  Fixed
Additional comments about closing:  Since Lightning is now part of Thunderbird, the translations are now part of the Thunderbird translations.
Comment by patrick (potomac) - Wednesday, 10 May 2017, 21:42 GMT
I can confirm the problem,

translations are missing in the package
Comment by rotanid (rotanid) - Wednesday, 24 May 2017, 10:12 GMT
would be nice to make these translations for calendar work again.
Comment by Alessandro Menti (elgaton) - Saturday, 05 August 2017, 07:41 GMT
I have worked on a new PKGBUILD which downloads all Lightning translations from the Mozilla source code repository and packages them as .xpi language packs. Could you please merge it?
   PKGBUILD (9.8 KiB)
Comment by Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) - Saturday, 05 August 2017, 18:11 GMT
Unfortunately that looks like the worst of both worlds: having to clone all the l10n repositories but still downloading prebuilt langpacks. It also looks rather fragile.
Comment by Alessandro Menti (elgaton) - Sunday, 06 August 2017, 08:29 GMT
I know - the underlying issue is that the Lightning resources are not included in the default language packs provided by Mozilla. They instead chose to have the build system generate multiple versions of the extension at compile time (on request), one for each language (at least on official Windows builds).

I've searched the Arch and Mozilla bug trackers in depth and I think there are two possible solutions to this:
1) ask Mozilla to bundle the Lightning translations with the Thunderbird language packs;
2) rebuild the language packs ourselves (see e.g. https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/50219#comment149601).

I think the first solution is (obviously) preferable; in case it is rejected by upstream, would the second proposal be acceptable to you?
Comment by Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) - Sunday, 06 August 2017, 16:03 GMT
Yes; I'd rather not do it but if Mozilla can't fix the langpacks I don't see any other option.
Comment by Alessandro Menti (elgaton) - Tuesday, 08 August 2017, 21:01 GMT
I have requested feedback in https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1266696#c10, I'll add a comment here as soon as I've got a reply.
Comment by Jürgen Sauer (jojoax) - Wednesday, 15 August 2018, 09:25 GMT
Problem still exists in
extra/thunderbird 60.0-3 [Installiert]
extra/thunderbird-i18n-de 60.0-2 [Installiert]

Looks like Language Pack and Main Application Package does not match. :(

Those problems around the internationalisation looks very unprofessional to us.

Edit: typo
Comment by Jürgen Sauer (jojoax) - Wednesday, 15 August 2018, 09:37 GMT
Aalso Occours on matching version numbers.
extra/thunderbird-i18n-de 60.0-2 [Installiert]
local/thunderbird 60.0-2 [Installiert]
Comment by Leonardo Santana Vieira (leosanvieira) - Friday, 28 September 2018, 14:11 GMT
For those who might be interested, it's possible to create a package for your language based on this gist https://gist.github.com/progandy/ce857358c4f3b8eb09887a085e4bea30
Comment by Piotr (trb) - Thursday, 25 April 2019, 20:55 GMT
As a workaround, you can delete Lightning in Thunderbird and then install it again through extension manager.
Comment by nordine-philippe abdessemed (npa) - Tuesday, 24 September 2019, 23:16 GMT
A waiting solution :

Download the latest Linux version of Thunderbird for your language (french for me) from the Thunderbird site.

Extract the .tar.bz2 archive, and in the thunderbird/distribution/extensions directory, you find the .xpi package for the Lightning extension

Replace the .xpi package in .thunderbird/xxxxxxxx.default-release/extensions/ by the one you just download and it works fine (68.1 TB and 68.1 lightning)
Comment by Jürgen Sauer (jojoax) - Wednesday, 25 September 2019, 10:13 GMT
Defect: extra/thunderbird-i18n-de 68.1.0-1 [Installiert] German language pack for Thunderbird
Defect: extra/thunderbird 68.1.0-1 [Installiert] Standalone mail and news reader from mozilla.org

Those problems around the internationalisation looks very unprofessional to us.

It should be fixed.
Comment by Sebastiaan Lokhorst (lonaowna) - Monday, 05 October 2020, 09:10 GMT
This is no longer relevant, as the translations are now provided by Thunderbird itself:

From Thunderbird 74 onwards Lightning does not exist as a separate add-on but is integrated into Thunderbird.

Comment by RoundCube (RoundCube) - Tuesday, 06 October 2020, 00:00 GMT
so this can be closed?
Comment by Thomas Schuetz (Murray_B) - Tuesday, 06 October 2020, 03:19 GMT
Well, I guess, if we'll have a new thunderbird-package (78.3.1?), we should look on this bug again, but I think it can be closed after the update. But at the moment we are still on 68, so it can't be closed now.
Comment by Sebastiaan Lokhorst (lonaowna) - Friday, 20 November 2020, 06:54 GMT
I think this can be closed as the Thunderbird package is now at version 78+