FS#52915 - [abuse] Segfault on launch

Attached to Project: Community Packages
Opened by Seth Rader (4LT) - Thursday, 09 February 2017, 20:32 GMT
Last edited by Alexander F. Rødseth (xyproto) - Wednesday, 15 February 2017, 09:02 GMT
Task Type Bug Report
Category Packages
Status Closed
Assigned To Alexander F. Rødseth (xyproto)
Architecture x86_64
Severity High
Priority Normal
Reported Version
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 0
Private No



Abuse segfaults on launch.


abuse 0.8
Abuse version 0.8
Sound: Enabled
Specs : main file set to abuse.spe
Protocol Installed : UNIX generic TCPIP
Lisp: 527 symbols defined, 99 system functions, 319 pre-compiled functions
(load "abuse.lsp") [.. ]Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Package Version: 0.8-7


This did not occur on the previous package version with the same (0.8-6).
Using default config (moved ~/.abuse to ~/.abuse.bk) has no effect.
This task depends upon

Closed by  Alexander F. Rødseth (xyproto)
Wednesday, 15 February 2017, 09:02 GMT
Reason for closing:  Fixed
Comment by Seth Rader (4LT) - Thursday, 09 February 2017, 20:39 GMT
I'm interested to see if anyone can replicate this, because the last update shouldn't really have changed anything. It's (apparently) an issue with the binary, but that was never updated.
Comment by Alexander F. Rødseth (xyproto) - Thursday, 09 February 2017, 21:17 GMT
Hi, thanks for reporting. I'm able to reproduce the issue.
Comment by Alexander F. Rødseth (xyproto) - Thursday, 09 February 2017, 22:18 GMT
gdb gives no useful debug output here (after compiling with debug flags).

However, commenting out "(setq load_warn nil)" in /usr/share/abuse/orig/abuse.lsp lets the LISP code be interpreted one more line before it crashes.

I think this may be an issue with the internal LISP interpreter in Abuse.

Anyone else get one step further by using (print "test") after the (setq load_warn nil), run abuse and then comment out (setq load_warn nil) and run abuse again?
Comment by Seth Rader (4LT) - Saturday, 11 February 2017, 15:47 GMT
It doesn't like "nil", try running "(setq foob_bar nil)"

Also, "(print 'nil)" causes a segfault
Comment by Alexander F. Rødseth (xyproto) - Tuesday, 14 February 2017, 09:28 GMT
Found a workaround for this (at least on my system). Built a new package with --enable-debug.

The updated package will appear in [community] shortly. Please confirm that it's now working.
