FS#52838 - Konsole not able to handle hidden input (passwords)

Attached to Project: Arch Linux
Opened by Stanislaw Pitucha (viraptor) - Saturday, 04 February 2017, 03:12 GMT
Last edited by Antonio Rojas (arojas) - Sunday, 05 February 2017, 08:13 GMT
Task Type Bug Report
Category Packages: Extra
Status Closed
Assigned To No-one
Architecture All
Severity Low
Priority Normal
Reported Version
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 0
Private No


Hidden input in Konsole is not being accepted after the last batch of updates to (likely) plasma/qt. Pacman log below.

I'm not sure which package did it exactly, but now Konsole does not accept sudo, su, or any other hidden password input. Typing the password and hitting enter does nothing, but ctrl-c does cancel the prompt.
Other console apps don't experience this behaviour - tested xterm, alacritty and both accept hidden passwords correctly.

Additional info:

Pacman log from the updates:

[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded tslib (1.3-1 -> 1.4-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded e2fsprogs (1.43.3-1 -> 1.43.4-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded qt5-base (5.8.0-2 -> 5.8.0-3)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded flac (1.3.1-3 -> 1.3.2-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded bluedevil (1:5.8.5-1 -> 1:5.9.0-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded kdecoration (5.8.5-1 -> 5.9.0-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded breeze (5.8.5-1 -> 5.9.0-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded drkonqi (5.8.5-1 -> 5.9.0-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded libpsl (0.16.1-1 -> 0.17.0-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded git (2.11.0-2 -> 2.11.1-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded kactivitymanagerd (5.8.5-1 -> 5.9.0-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded kde-cli-tools (5.8.5-1 -> 5.9.0-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded libksysguard (5.8.5-1 -> 5.9.0-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded milou (5.8.5-1 -> 5.9.0-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded kscreenlocker (5.8.5-1 -> 5.9.0-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded kwin (5.8.5-3 -> 5.9.0-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded plasma-integration (5.8.5-5 -> 5.9.0-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded kuiserver (5.8.5-1 -> 5.9.0-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded plasma-workspace (5.8.5-1 -> 5.9.0-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded khotkeys (5.8.5-1 -> 5.9.0-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded kmenuedit (5.8.5-1 -> 5.9.0-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded ksysguard (5.8.5-1 -> 5.9.0-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded kwallet-pam (5.8.5-1 -> 5.9.0-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded libkscreen (5.8.5-1 -> 5.9.0-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded libssh (0.7.3-2 -> 0.7.4-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded polkit-kde-agent (5.8.5-1 -> 5.9.0-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] installed libstemmer (0+337-2)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] installed appstream (0.10.6-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] installed appstream-qt (0.10.6-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded systemsettings (5.8.5-1 -> 5.9.0-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded plasma-desktop (5.8.5-1 -> 5.9.0-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded plasma-nm (5.8.5-2 -> 5.9.0-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded plasma-pa (5.8.5-1 -> 5.9.0-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded powerdevil (5.8.5-1 -> 5.9.0-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded python-prompt_toolkit (1.0.9-2 -> 1.0.13-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded python2-markdown (2.6.7-2 -> 2.6.8-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] upgraded python2-prompt_toolkit (1.0.9-2 -> 1.0.13-1)
[2017-02-04 09:54] [ALPM] transaction completed

Steps to reproduce:

Run "sudo whatever", type password, enter.
Nothing happens.
This task depends upon

Closed by  Antonio Rojas (arojas)
Sunday, 05 February 2017, 08:13 GMT
Reason for closing:  Works for me
Comment by Stanislaw Pitucha (viraptor) - Saturday, 04 February 2017, 03:20 GMT
Just in case, konsole itself is at version 16.12.1-1, not modified since mid-January and worked fine before this update.
Comment by Stanislaw Pitucha (viraptor) - Saturday, 04 February 2017, 03:33 GMT
Actually the same thing happens also on visible prompts. ssh's prompt for new host key prints out "^M" instead of accepting enter as the end of input.
Comment by Antonio Rojas (arojas) - Saturday, 04 February 2017, 10:41 GMT
Please try running 'stty sane'
Comment by Stanislaw Pitucha (viraptor) - Sunday, 05 February 2017, 00:22 GMT
So this issue, which was persistent across reboots suddenly disappeared. I didn't get to try the "stty sane".
Heisenbug, I'm happy to get it closed. I'll comment if I can reproduce again.
