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Community Packages
Opened by John Sivak (jsivak) - Friday, 04 November 2016, 01:48 GMT
Last edited by Doug Newgard (Scimmia) - Friday, 04 November 2016, 02:13 GMT
Opened by John Sivak (jsivak) - Friday, 04 November 2016, 01:48 GMT
Last edited by Doug Newgard (Scimmia) - Friday, 04 November 2016, 02:13 GMT
File conflict with package cfitsio for /usr/bin/smem Additional info: smem 1.4-1 cfitsio 3.390-2 (this is a requirement of qgis) Steps to reproduce: Attempt to install both packages, one of them will complain about the file. Since the "smem" package seems to be the "rightful" owner I'm presuming the bug lands here.. |
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Closed by Doug Newgard (Scimmia)
Friday, 04 November 2016, 02:13 GMT
Reason for closing: Duplicate
Additional comments about closing: FS#51679
Friday, 04 November 2016, 02:13 GMT
Reason for closing: Duplicate
Additional comments about closing: