FS#45656 - [iptables] early start from systemd?

Attached to Project: Arch Linux
Opened by James (thx1138) - Wednesday, 15 July 2015, 17:33 GMT
Last edited by Doug Newgard (Scimmia) - Thursday, 16 July 2015, 02:37 GMT
Task Type Bug Report
Category Packages: Core
Status Closed
Assigned To No-one
Architecture All
Severity Low
Priority Normal
Reported Version
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 0
Private No


iptables 1.4.21-3

With respect to  bug 33478 , what ever happened to early start? I see that nftables.service includes


but there is still no such thing in the iptables.service or ip6tables.service files.

What was the resolution here?
This task depends upon

Closed by  Doug Newgard (Scimmia)
Thursday, 16 July 2015, 02:37 GMT
Reason for closing:  Duplicate
Additional comments about closing:   FS#33478 
Comment by Dave Reisner (falconindy) - Wednesday, 15 July 2015, 17:48 GMT Comment by James (thx1138) - Wednesday, 15 July 2015, 19:21 GMT
Thanks. Let's look:

committer svntogit <svntogit@nymeria.archlinux.org> 2015-04-01 07:30:18 (GMT

Ok - did you look at the date? The current iptables package is

Version : 1.4.21-3
Build Date : Wed 25 Mar 2015 03:56:47 AM MDT

and today's Date is 2015 Jul 15.

It seems to me that, if the iptables package is never rebuilt from the updated source, then the source revisions are of no value. So now, the issue would be, how many months should elapse before the iptables package is rebuilt and distributed from the current source?

And incidentally, is it really appropriate that an Arch Linux bug be closed before a revision propagates to distribution?
Comment by Dave Reisner (falconindy) - Wednesday, 15 July 2015, 19:47 GMT
Yes, I looked at the date. You asked what happened, I gave you a link.

> So now, the issue would be, how many months should elapse before the iptables package is rebuilt and distributed from the current source?
That's up to the package maintainer.
Comment by James (thx1138) - Wednesday, 15 July 2015, 20:07 GMT
> Yes, I looked at the date. You asked what happened, I gave you a link.

Ok - thanks - got it.

> That's up to the package maintainer.

Uhm - help me out, here. Is this not the correct place to "ping" the package maintainer? Or I should contacted the package maintainer directly, instead?
Comment by Doug Newgard (Scimmia) - Thursday, 16 July 2015, 02:37 GMT
You can try to contact him directly or you can request the bug be reopened if you think it's been too long. Opening a new bug isn't the way to do it.