FS#44604 - [vi] Remove package (either completely or from the base group)

Attached to Project: Arch Linux
Opened by Evangelos Foutras (foutrelis) - Wednesday, 15 April 2015, 21:58 GMT
Last edited by Evangelos Foutras (foutrelis) - Wednesday, 22 April 2015, 18:16 GMT
Task Type General Gripe
Category Packages: Core
Status Closed
Assigned To Eric Belanger (Snowman)
Architecture All
Severity Low
Priority Normal
Reported Version
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date 2015-04-29
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 0
Private No


As discussed last month, we're replacing vi with vim-minimal on the installation image. [1]

After vim-minimal has been added to the package list in archiso, we can proceed to drop the 'vi' package from the repos.

@Eric: If you, as maintainer of the package, don't want to drop vi, we can instead only remove it from the base group. I don't, however, believe there's any reason to keep this ancient editor around.

[1] https://lists.archlinux.org/pipermail/arch-dev-public/2015-March/027068.html
Closed by  Evangelos Foutras (foutrelis)
Wednesday, 22 April 2015, 18:16 GMT
Reason for closing:  Deferred
Additional comments about closing:  Keeping vi for now until someone comes up with a better plan.
Comment by Eric Belanger (Snowman) - Wednesday, 15 April 2015, 22:44 GMT
No objection from me. I only adopted it because it was an orphan. Just let me know when we can remove it. You can also remove it yourself.
Comment by Evangelos Foutras (foutrelis) - Tuesday, 21 April 2015, 01:15 GMT Comment by Evangelos Foutras (foutrelis) - Wednesday, 22 April 2015, 18:15 GMT