FS#40871 - [jre7-openjdk-headless] No fonts after upgrade
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Arch Linux
Opened by Armin Hahn (flittermice) - Tuesday, 17 June 2014, 05:39 GMT
Last edited by Guillaume ALAUX (galaux) - Wednesday, 09 July 2014, 15:47 GMT
Opened by Armin Hahn (flittermice) - Tuesday, 17 June 2014, 05:39 GMT
Last edited by Guillaume ALAUX (galaux) - Wednesday, 09 July 2014, 15:47 GMT
After upgrading jre7-openjdk-headless and jre7-openjdk to
version 7.u60_2.5.0-2 my Java applications don't show any
fonts anymore.
I uploaded screenshots of 2 Java applications and the output of JDownloader startup. When I go back to version 7.u55_2.4.7-1 everything works as expected again. FYI: I took the old packages from Arch Rollback Machine and let pacman ignore the package for now: /etc/pacman.conf: IgnorePkg = jre7-openjdk* Additional info: * package version(s): 7.u60_2.5.0-2 Steps to reproduce: Start any Java appliation |
This task depends upon
Closed by Guillaume ALAUX (galaux)
Wednesday, 09 July 2014, 15:47 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: Fixed 7.u60_2.5.0-3
Wednesday, 09 July 2014, 15:47 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: Fixed 7.u60_2.5.0-3
I'm running Intellj IDEA and all fonts are invisible after upgrade. Then I unchecked anti-aliasing, they are back.
Turning off anti-aliasing didn't change anything for me.
No fonts in ums and filebot for me.
Downgrading to 7.u55_2.4.7-1 helps.
About "Jcat": same here. How did you install it? That package [1] makes it with very ugly font for me (I've just deleted a second AUR package that was just a pure mess).
About "Idea": I see no text as described. Just a reminder: IntelliJ does NOT support OpenJDK. Still…
… I can get nice clean fonts on all 3 pieces of softwares with the following as explained here [2]:
export _JAVA_OPTIONS='-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on -Dswing.aatext=true -Dswing.defaultlaf=com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKLookAndFeel'
Can you please check this? Also can you check user conf in ~/.java/
For AUR packages can you also please check package is up to date?
[0] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/jdownloader/
[1] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/jcatgui-9kw/
[2] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Java
export _JAVA_OPTIONS='-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on -Dswing.aatext=true -Dswing.defaultlaf=com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKLookAndFeel'
GUI and fonts are normal.
Anyway, I don't think this can be the expected behaviour of Java, especially because the issue has been introduced lately.
[0] http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/2d/flags.html#aaFonts
Ok so I have done some more investigations: may I know what all of you are using as desktop environment or window manager?
FS#40934. This should solve it.@sunng: could you please test switching the parameter as explained on
FS#40934and report result on bug reportFS#40934?your issue with JDownloader will get fixed.
Given workaround, helped! thanks
And also check what `echo $_JAVA_OPTIONS` gives?
See screenshot.
Like suggested above I tried to track the problem down by moving (nearly) all .dot files and directories out of the way but without success.
My observations:
- no problems & beautiful fonts in Gnome 3
- no fonts at all in LXDE
- distorted fonts in Obenbox (without LXDE)
- In all cases exporting _JAVA_OPTIONS like told above helps.
I think the reason we are still around here is that something in the new package is broken when the _JAVA_OPTIONS is not set (properly)...
I checked the .java folder, and compared the fonts for v 1.7.0_55 and 1.7.0_60 and they are identical.
The rollback did work for me
I submitted this issue to upstream IcedTea for advice [0] who kindly points us at an IcedTea bug report [1] that in turn points at this IcedTea commit [2].
With current packages from [extra], when I force _JAVA_OPTIONS='-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=lcd' I can reproduce your issue. With these new packages I built [3] with "--enable-infinality=no" (and local option still set to '=lcd'), text DO appear.
Can you please download and test these packages [3] and let me know the result here.
[0] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/distro-pkg-dev/2014-July/028441.html
[1] http://icedtea.classpath.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=729
[2] http://icedtea.classpath.org//hg/release/icedtea7-2.5?cmd=changeset;node=012d523c56c9
[3] http://pkgbuild.com/~guillaume/misc/openjdk_no_infinality/
Packages in [3] works fine now even with anti-aliasing set to "rgba". I'm not using _JAVA_OPTIONS.
Packages in [3] work wthout font problems.
- Started filebot/ums with current java; No text.
- Upgraded packages.
- Started filebot/ums with upgraded java; Text visible.