FS#40667 - [easytag] xdg-open launch easytag instead of Nemo

Attached to Project: Arch Linux
Opened by Nicolas (Nikus) - Tuesday, 03 June 2014, 21:58 GMT
Last edited by Guillaume ALAUX (galaux) - Wednesday, 04 June 2014, 07:38 GMT
Task Type Bug Report
Category Upstream Bugs
Status Closed
Assigned To Guillaume ALAUX (galaux)
Architecture All
Severity Low
Priority Normal
Reported Version
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 0
Private No


Description: when I run 'xdg-open /home' easytag is lauched instead of Nemo.

It is due to the configuration in /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache :

It seems the mimeinfo.cache file was modified during the setup of easytag.
Removing easytag makes xdg-open open Nemo again.

Additional info:
* easytag Version : 2.2.2-1

Way to reproduce:
* install easytag
* run 'xdg-open /home', it will open easytag instead of the file manager
This task depends upon

Closed by  Guillaume ALAUX (galaux)
Wednesday, 04 June 2014, 07:38 GMT
Reason for closing:  Not a bug
Comment by Doug Newgard (Scimmia) - Tuesday, 03 June 2014, 22:31 GMT
This is because upstream includes it in their .desktop file


You will need to complain to them if you want it changed. Or you can simply change your mime assocations
Comment by Jan de Groot (JGC) - Wednesday, 04 June 2014, 06:27 GMT
You need to set a default application to open inode/directory. Xdg-utils has a script for that. This is an issue with more applications, when you install nautilus it will also hijack your file manager in the same way.
Comment by Guillaume ALAUX (galaux) - Wednesday, 04 June 2014, 07:37 GMT
See upstream answer on this bug opened more than a year ago: [0].

As JGC says, using "xdg-mime" helps here.

[0] https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=694358
