FS#4060 - pacman: "something has gone horribly wrong"
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Opened by Jan Willemson (janwill) - Saturday, 25 February 2006, 15:55 GMT
Last edited by Roman Kyrylych (Romashka) - Wednesday, 24 January 2007, 11:16 GMT
Opened by Jan Willemson (janwill) - Saturday, 25 February 2006, 15:55 GMT
Last edited by Roman Kyrylych (Romashka) - Wednesday, 24 January 2007, 11:16 GMT
Today I tried to upgrade my system to XOrg7. I hadn't done upgrading for some time, so there were more than 500MB of downloads necessary. I started downloading from one mirror, but that was rather slow. So I interrupted the pacman -Syu upgrade by killing pacman and wget, changed pacman.conf to point to another mirror and continued. The downloads finished well and package integrity check was successful. But then I got the following error message: error: something has gone horribly wrong This looks like an error message that actually should never occur -- but it did. Later I cleaned the package cache and downloaded all the 500MB again, but the message was still the same. Then I tried updating XOrg first. This upgrade was successful, but pacman -Syu after that failed with the same error message. Jan |
This task depends upon
Closed by Aaron Griffin (phrakture)
Wednesday, 21 February 2007, 16:48 GMT
Reason for closing: Works for me
Additional comments about closing: No longer a pacman3 bug.
Wednesday, 21 February 2007, 16:48 GMT
Reason for closing: Works for me
Additional comments about closing: No longer a pacman3 bug.
pacman -S avahi
pacman -R nss-mdns
I can understand that pacman gets confused, but the situation should be handled a bit better by him.
I've had a short look in the depend calculation, and as it seems it just builds up a list. Just iterating trough the whole depend list should figure out if the dependency actually is in the list in a prior place than the package to be installed.
I don't know if that's already in, but shouldn't be too much to figure out.
I think this happened or happens if cycles are in the depend list, or if the replaces array isn't set correctly...
It should be tested against trash packages built for this once, to just see the effect (like 2 packages depending on each other, 3 packages with a cycle etc). Maybe a common test case, which could be included in the pacman release tests (if it isn't already).
It appears that pacman3 can only output this error in an odd case that I don't even understand. This comment makes no sense:
/* If miss->depend.name depends on something that miss->target and a package in final both provide, then it's okay... */
For now, I'm going to close this bug. If we can get more specific data for pacman3, then I will reopen this, or open a more descriptive bug report.