FS#40444 - [upower] upowerd 0.99.0-2 eats all resources

Attached to Project: Arch Linux
Opened by Marco Emilio Poleggi (sphakka) - Monday, 19 May 2014, 12:38 GMT
Last edited by Evangelos Foutras (foutrelis) - Monday, 08 December 2014, 20:34 GMT
Task Type Bug Report
Category Packages: Extra
Status Closed
Assigned To Jan de Groot (JGC)
Ionut Biru (wonder)
Architecture x86_64
Severity High
Priority Normal
Reported Version
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 15
Private No



After some hours (4-6) from boot, upowerd starts eating all system's memory and CPU causing heavy swapping. Top shows:

"606 root 20 0 7797344 6.640g 940 R 65.5 86.6 8:37.11 upowerd"

I have 8GB RAM + 8GB swap. This happens regularly after the last upower update (2014-04-17).

Additional info:
* package version(s): 0.99.0-2, x86-64
* config and/or log files etc.

Steps to reproduce: boot & wait some hours...

This task depends upon

Closed by  Evangelos Foutras (foutrelis)
Monday, 08 December 2014, 20:34 GMT
Reason for closing:  Fixed
Additional comments about closing:  upower 0.99.1-4
Comment by fennectech (fennectech) - Wednesday, 04 June 2014, 10:43 GMT
I am also experencing the exact same problem on the i686 version of upower this NEEDS to be fixed
Comment by Carlos (cyberconan) - Tuesday, 17 June 2014, 20:34 GMT
I'm going to test upower-git-systemd compiled from AUR in 0.99.1 version. I'll post tomorrow if upowerd still eats a lot of memory.
Comment by Carlos (cyberconan) - Wednesday, 18 June 2014, 19:02 GMT
24 hours later, upowerd 0.99.1 use less 2MB instead 2GB :)
Comment by Carlos (cyberconan) - Thursday, 19 June 2014, 09:35 GMT
This morning, upowerd has eaten 2GB RAM, the problem persist with 0.99.1 version compiled from git.
Comment by Сковорода Никита (ChALkeR) - Tuesday, 01 July 2014, 10:58 GMT
I also experience this bug.
Comment by Сковорода Никита (ChALkeR) - Tuesday, 01 July 2014, 11:01 GMT Comment by Bjoern Franke (bjo) - Tuesday, 01 July 2014, 11:09 GMT
On my laptop, upowerd only eats all RAM (2 GB) if the laptop runs on battery and the batterycharge comes to an end. If the AC-adapter is plugged it, all is fine.
Comment by Jan de Groot (JGC) - Tuesday, 05 August 2014, 12:40 GMT
Please test 0.99.0-3. The package has been updated to git master (excluding version number and abi/api change). Upstream added some memory leak fixes.
Comment by Bjoern Franke (bjo) - Sunday, 10 August 2014, 13:44 GMT
Unfortunately the issue still exists with 0.99.0-3, upowerd eats all memory when the battery-runtime comes to an end.
Comment by A.C. (zepar) - Tuesday, 26 August 2014, 10:55 GMT
I installed arch today, and upowerd eats all my ram. So i can confirm this bug.
Comment by Alad Wenter (Alad) - Tuesday, 16 September 2014, 17:05 GMT
There are several patches in this report (namely, comment #8, #9 that are not in master)

Comment by Carlos (cyberconan) - Wednesday, 24 September 2014, 17:34 GMT
Thanks Alad, five days with patches and upower only take 1184k :)
Comment by Francois van der Ven (francoisvdv) - Monday, 06 October 2014, 15:07 GMT
Can confirm this still happens with 0.99.0-3. I suspect it has something to do with Logitech Unifying Receiver and Keyboard K800 + Mouse M510.
Comment by Bjoern Franke (bjo) - Monday, 06 October 2014, 15:09 GMT
Don't blame Logitech-stuff for it, I have this issue on my Dell Latitude D430 and I use no wireless mouse or keyboard.
Comment by Serge Hooge (serh) - Monday, 06 October 2014, 17:04 GMT
Affects my Lenovo G580 and I don't use any peripherals.
Comment by μltraviolet nanokitty (ultraviolet) - Tuesday, 11 November 2014, 23:57 GMT
My Lenovo ThinkPad Helix is also affected, here's my post in the thread about it: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1474600#p1474600 i've also uploaded an AUR package called upower-fixed: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/upower-fixed/ it's almost identical to the official package, i just changed the version number and added the patches referenced above. since installing it, it appears this issue is no longer occurring. perhaps the official package should be patched until freedesktop actually does something about this?
Comment by Lev Levitsky (levitsky) - Wednesday, 12 November 2014, 11:48 GMT
I haven't had this problem for quite a while now after one of the upgrades, perhaps to 0.99.1 or maybe even 0.99.0-3.
Comment by μltraviolet nanokitty (ultraviolet) - Friday, 14 November 2014, 22:04 GMT
hmm, confusing... i have definitely seen a distinct and lasting improvement since patching and rebuilding upower. i'm not sure how the bug would have gone away, as the freedesktop bug report linked above remains unresolved and the patches apply perfectly to the current upower git HEAD (which is v0.99.1)... perhaps the first patch posted to that bug (which was accepted by the upower devs in an earlier version) fixes some problems but not all? whatever the case, i had this exact issue, just as severely as many others (full system lockups, 100% ram and swap usage in under 12 hours of normal use), and since patching upower (with the second and third patches attached to the freedesktop bug) i haven't seen it eat more than 5MiB ram. this tells me that the patch definitely does fix (or at least put a band-aid on) an EXTREMELY SEVERE problem, and therefore warrants significant attention. i'd really like to see if any of the other users who've commented on this bug are still affected, and if so, whether or not installing upower-fixed alleviates the issue.
Comment by Bjoern Franke (bjo) - Saturday, 15 November 2014, 12:21 GMT
I had this issue and went into it every time the battery of my laptop was going down to 2-3%. With upower-fixed the issue is gone.
Comment by Gerlof (Gero) - Saturday, 22 November 2014, 02:08 GMT
I've been having this issue as well.
Just installed upower-fixed to see if that changes things.
Comment by Grzegorz (gregosky) - Saturday, 29 November 2014, 23:48 GMT
I'm facing the same issue on my desktop - 24GB consumed in a matter of 6 hours.
upower 0.99.1
nothing in journal
Comment by Lev Levitsky (levitsky) - Monday, 01 December 2014, 22:02 GMT
With 0.99.1-3 the problem is here (again?). Like I said, it feels like it had not been not occurring for a long time.
Comment by Evangelos Foutras (foutrelis) - Monday, 01 December 2014, 23:01 GMT
I pushed upower 0.99.1-4 which should fix this.

Some confirmations would be great!
Comment by Gerlof (Gero) - Saturday, 06 December 2014, 16:07 GMT
I'm running on 0.99.1-4 right now and haven't seen this problem in at least 2 days.
I'll keep monitoring and check back once in a while :)
Comment by Bjoern Franke (bjo) - Saturday, 06 December 2014, 16:44 GMT
No issues here with 0.99.1-4.
Comment by μltraviolet nanokitty (ultraviolet) - Monday, 08 December 2014, 13:52 GMT
the issue has been fixed upstream. this bug can be closed.