FS#3722 - Packets sized >1568 bytes cannot be received
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Arch Linux
Opened by Anton Kuzmin (Selecter) - Friday, 06 January 2006, 22:08 GMT
Last edited by Tobias Powalowski (tpowa) - Friday, 06 January 2006, 22:26 GMT
Opened by Anton Kuzmin (Selecter) - Friday, 06 January 2006, 22:08 GMT
Last edited by Tobias Powalowski (tpowa) - Friday, 06 January 2006, 22:26 GMT
In windows the networkcard is called: "sis190" though... Its chipset has been supported since kernel 2.6.14 - that's why we choosed archlinux to install (it has 2.6.15). The strange bug we have been experiencing is that we can't get (but we can send) network packets sized > 1568 bytes (not sure in this number). We tested it through ping command with -s flag. That's why the majority of the network services don't work. google.com works perfecly though because it always sends back 64 bytes packets. Some ftp mirrors didn't work at all. We tried ftp.estpak.ee without success. But ftp.belnet.be worked good... But... We could download packages (pacman -S xorg) very slowly (15kb/sek) and connection was constantly stalling from time to time with the same time intervals. We could ping all internet services, we could nmap all the services... but we couldn't get connected to the majority of them. wget, firefox etc were always waiting for response. Please upstream this bugreport if neccessary. |
This task depends upon
And we had to restart 'pacman -S <package>' to continue downloading...
As far as I understand, the ethernet module is only directly responsible for handling Ethernet frames, since the IP packet processing occurs later in the stack and is (should be) processed in the IPv4 stuff, not the sis190 stuff.
What is the MTU set at for your ethernet card? It can be found in the output from ifconfig.
MTU can be set in rc.conf for that interface's ifconfig line, which is also system/user-specific.