FS#31360 - [libreoffice-de] libreoffice fails to start with German language package
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Arch Linux
Opened by Mike (asphantix) - Friday, 31 August 2012, 13:03 GMT
Last edited by Andreas Radke (AndyRTR) - Tuesday, 04 September 2012, 14:09 GMT
Opened by Mike (asphantix) - Friday, 31 August 2012, 13:03 GMT
Last edited by Andreas Radke (AndyRTR) - Tuesday, 04 September 2012, 14:09 GMT
libreoffice fails to start with German language
Description: with 'libreoffice-de' installed, libreoffice won't start instead it will be stuck in a splash screen loop Additional info: problem package: libreoffice-de- libreoffice version: libreoffice Steps to reproduce: pacman -S libreoffice-de -> libreoffice won't start pacman -Rs libreoffice-de -> libreoffice will start without any problems |
This task depends upon
Downgrading language pack to 3.5.6-1 solved problem.
Downgrading language solved problem.
You need at least one extension or the group package libreoffice-extensions
it is happening with libreoffice-en-US.
I have the following installed:
local/libreoffice-calc 3.6.1-1 (libreoffice)
local/libreoffice-common 3.6.1-1 (libreoffice)
local/libreoffice-en-US 3.6.1-1
local/libreoffice-extension-pdfimport 3.6.1-1 (libreoffice-extensions)
local/libreoffice-impress 3.6.1-1 (libreoffice)
local/libreoffice-writer 3.6.1-1 (libreoffice)
I installed clucene separately and re-installed libreoffice-en-US which pulled in sdl (???) and then running soffice on cli gets this:
[dcheung@hydra ~]$ soffice
I18N: Operating system doesn't support locale "en_US"
% pacman -Qsq libreoffice
% pacman -Qs clucene
% echo $?
Feel free to diff the langpacks for missing files/directories. Because we only repackage the upstream rpm langpacks there's not much we can do here. Please investigate this further with upstream help if needed.
sudo pacman -Q | grep libreoffice
libreoffice-calc 3.6.1-2
libreoffice-common 3.6.1-2
libreoffice-impress 3.6.1-2
libreoffice-it 3.6.1-1
libreoffice-math 3.6.1-2
libreoffice-writer 3.6.1-2
Installing libreoffice-extension-presentation-minimizer (or another extension) and lcms2 (https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/31383) solved the problem
1. Update to libreoffice 3.6.1-1
2. libreoffice doesn't start, complaining about:
exception occurred raising singleton "/singletons/com.sun.star.deployment.ExtensionManager": loading component library failed: file:///usr/lib/libreoffice/program/../program/libdeployment.so
3. Installed package clucene
4. libreoffice still fails to start with a flickering splash-screen
5. Installed "libreoffice-extension-pdfimport-3.6.1-1"
6. Libreoffice is working again.
Do you get some console output with the flickering screen? Please search for upstream reports. I remember some different starting issues in late RCs.
Installed en-GB, which solved the issue. Then reinstalled da and removed en-GB, and not it works fine.
I18N: Operating system doesn't support locale "en_US"
which appears to be looping. Then as per AndyRTR's suggestion, ~/.config/libreoffice was nuked and soffice was re-invoked on the command line which gave the same locale warning, BUT it did not loop and was able to start successfully. My concern now is whether or not there some internal issues that's going to manifest in screwed up documents due to locale handling.
Also, when I look at my environmental variables, my LANG=C which I can't ever remember seeing prior to this whole systemd/rc.conf work. Not sure if it is related in any way, shape or form and more importantly, this is not meant to imply any bias towards or against systemd.
Please someone try to apply that single commit for testing: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/commit/?id=6d261e7aac12a876acb6496085e5329632595d39
Further changes can be found here: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/log/?h=libreoffice-3-6
cat /etc/locale.conf
that's all in my case. Libreoffice 3.6.1-3 from today seems to run fine.
My environment: KDE 4.9.00 on x86_64
(Extension detections was broken even when the config dir was removed, it worked with old config dirs or when at least one extension got was installed)