FS#3080 - WPrefs not found by default / not where it should be in windowmaker 0.92

Attached to Project: Arch Linux
Opened by nicolas (nico_ash) - Sunday, 14 August 2005, 21:15 GMT
Last edited by Andreas Radke (AndyRTR) - Sunday, 26 January 2014, 14:35 GMT
Task Type Bug Report
Category Packages: Extra
Status Closed
Assigned To Isenmann Daniel (ise)
Architecture All
Severity Medium
Priority Normal
Reported Version 0.7 Wombat
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 1
Private No


- Package windowlaker version 0.92

Since the update of the windowmaker wm, the WPrefs utility is not found where it should.
Trying to launch it with the icon on the workspace leads to an error which tells that it
"could not the command
launching it from the menu leads to nothing, not even the error message.

launching "WPrefs" from /usr/bin from the command line does not allow it to loads the icons it's used to. giving a very crippled preference utility.
This task depends upon

Closed by  Andreas Radke (AndyRTR)
Sunday, 26 January 2014, 14:35 GMT
Reason for closing:  Fixed
Additional comments about closing:  0.95.5-3
Comment by Matt Thompson (mattt) - Sunday, 14 August 2005, 23:59 GMT
I noticed the same error, which I've corrected by changing this in windowmaker's PKGBUILD:

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc \


./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc \

Comment by Tobias Powalowski (tpowa) - Saturday, 20 August 2005, 08:34 GMT
my suggestion add also the i18n stuff
Comment by Andrew Cousino (poetofnumbers) - Tuesday, 23 August 2005, 15:15 GMT
In the ChangeLog for Windowmaker 0.92, it says that --with-appsdir has been removed and replaced by --with-gnustepdir. The ChangeLog is located at http://www.windowmaker.org/src/ChangeLog. So the PKGBUILD for WindowMaker should make the corresponding replacement. This differs from Matt's suggestion in that the actual path does not need to be changed, but rather just the name of the option.
Comment by Johannes Löthberg (demize) - Sunday, 12 January 2014, 11:42 GMT
Seems /etc/WindowMaker/WMRootMenu doesn't get set properly and still points to /usr/local/ for WPrefs
