FS#30081 - [cups-1.5.3-3] failed to print and add new printer and ...
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Arch Linux
Opened by solsTiCe (zebul666) - Wednesday, 30 May 2012, 17:41 GMT
Last edited by Andreas Radke (AndyRTR) - Thursday, 31 May 2012, 13:38 GMT
Opened by solsTiCe (zebul666) - Wednesday, 30 May 2012, 17:41 GMT
Last edited by Andreas Radke (AndyRTR) - Thursday, 31 May 2012, 13:38 GMT
First, it started when I tried to print with LibreOffice.
All I get printed was some raw pdf source. Something like
%PDF-1.3 %1234 % this file was generated vy pdftopdf %%PDFTOPDFNumCopies : 1 [...] This was the first time ever somethin like that happened I go to localhost:631 in my browser and printed a test page that gives me a similar result when printed. I just started with %PDF-1.5 this time So I thought it might a mess after my upgrade from 32 bits to x86_64 (I doubt that). So I removed the printer in cups and tried to add it back again. IT still the same when I print. Also it is quite slow between each step when trying to add a printer |
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Closed by Andreas Radke (AndyRTR)
Thursday, 31 May 2012, 13:38 GMT
Reason for closing: None
Additional comments about closing: hplip issue moved to FS#30085
Thursday, 31 May 2012, 13:38 GMT
Reason for closing: None
Additional comments about closing: hplip issue moved to
% this file was generated vy pdftopdf
%%PDFTOPDFNumCopies : 1
cups 1.5.3-3
hplip 3.12.4-1
hplip-plugin 3.12.4-1
Make also sure you have required optional dependencies installed.
beside, this a thing I just did. I reinstalled ALL the package with the migration. TWICE. I don't see how a third one will fix anything.
AND markus seems to confirm it so migration from 32 bits to x86_64 seems to be ruled out of the picture
I am using hplip 3.12.4-1 too
I don't use hplip-plugin
i can add the printer again and the firmware get's uploaded onto it but the device just does nothing when i try to print or give me something like "/usr/lib/cups/filter/commandtops failed"
Please all check what driver you are using and if you can print text files and pdf files and also report if your printer is PCL capable or if you run
it with ghostscript.
if new cups-filters might cause it, this means ?
Please check if we are missing some further changes in the progress to switch to PDF input format using latest cups-filters.
If not, there's information where to ask and file bugs against cups-filters. You may also want to have a look how Debian builds and patches their cups packages (SID).
Most printers don't seem to be affected. Switching to use cups-filters was made to solve
FS#30021.Following "How_to_switch_a_system_to_use_PDF_as_standard_print_job_format", I have:
- raised cost of pstops to 100 in /usr/share/cups/mime/mime.convs (no change)
- decreased it to 65 (one never knows) (no change)
- run the 2 grep command to change ppd files (one never know) (no change)
(restarting cupsd between each step)
I can print a simple text file with vim (:hardcopy) but using directly lp fails (it prints pdf source garbage too!)
$ pacman -Rdd cups-filters
$ pacman -U /var/var/cache/pacman/pkg/cups-1.5.3-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz /var/var/cache/pacman/pkg/libcups-1.5.3-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
$ rc.d restart cupsd
And guess what ...
It worked ! I was able to print a test page from cups front-end without problem.
So guess where could be the problem ?? or at least what is making the problem appear.
hplip must be build without foomatic-rip-hplip. It's working with --disable-foomatic-rip-hplip. I was just able to print with latest cups package and cups-filter and rebuilt hplip
I will open a bug report for hplip. Done:
FS#30085But there may be other bug in other driver/ppd files for other printers if it's the same kind of issue. (HP embends a custom foomati-rip named foomatic-rip-hplip in their driver/ppd files)
So I don't request the bug to be closed. I leave to your discretion, Andreas.
If other printers are broken with cups-filters please open new bugreport per driver to sort out driver and filter issue.
Marco, your problem seems to be a broken user configuration. Please ask in our forum for help (use cups debug log level and other hints from our wiki). If it turns out to be a true bug please open a new issue.