FS#23747 - [autocutsel] add it to xinitrc.d
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Opened by Chris Redden (redden0t8) - Wednesday, 13 April 2011, 12:58 GMT
Last edited by Stefan Husmann (stefanhusmann) - Thursday, 14 April 2011, 21:00 GMT
Opened by Chris Redden (redden0t8) - Wednesday, 13 April 2011, 12:58 GMT
Last edited by Stefan Husmann (stefanhusmann) - Thursday, 14 April 2011, 21:00 GMT
autocutsel is very poorly documented, and it's functionality
is pretty standard. It seems like a good candidate for
inclusion in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/
Case of the confusion it can cause: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=116639 |
This task depends upon
Closed by Stefan Husmann (stefanhusmann)
Thursday, 14 April 2011, 21:00 GMT
Reason for closing: Won't implement
Additional comments about closing: Added install file as workaround.
Thursday, 14 April 2011, 21:00 GMT
Reason for closing: Won't implement
Additional comments about closing: Added install file as workaround.
Besides, aren't you allowed to edit files in /etc? Just replace them with the values you want and on upgrade pacman will do its .pacnew thing.
And this is changing the default way of dealing with the X clipboard, so its rather important IMO.
BTW, the user can have his own .xinitrc and redefine things there.
The default should be X's default, not the autocutsel's custom configuration. & yes it should be the default even if autocutsel is installed.
It would be better to add documentation to the package if you think its lacking it, maybe a custom README file for users too lazy to consult the wiki.
This is overkill.
Greg's point is that you should not enable autocutsel in the X config just by
installing it. Some might call this 'The Arch Way', which I generally agree
with. Since I don't plan on installing autocutsel it would not bother me though.
If I was a user that wanted autocutsel I might be annoyed at having to perform
an extra step of enabling it in the config. There are some packages that irritate
me though because they do have things enabled by default which I don't think they
should, and it causes me extra work to remove that.
Instead of the user defining in his environment the LESSOPEN variable (breaking the Arch Way blah blah blah useless useless useless) ,
it does so globally by a script in etc/profile.d/ which reads:
"export LESSOPEN='|/usr/bin/lesspipe.sh %s'" thus forcing the use of lesspipe on all users on the system same as your autocutsel.sh.
There are two major differences between the two:
a) Unlike autocutsel, lesspipe doesnt take arguments. You either use it or you don't.
b) More importantly, it doesnt change the way less works. it just extends it. Autocutsel on the other hand changes the way a used by everyone feature works. It should be left up to the user to enable it should he wishes to. Not the other way around.
of less annoying. This is really the same thing.
In the lesspipe example LESSOPEN is an environment variable i can just unset and set as i please on my own user environment.
What happens if the user wants to change the autocutsel behaviour but has no rights to edit in /etc? And how do two running instances of autocutsel behave invoked with different arguments?
I regularly use both standard X buffers and I need both. I need the Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V method as well as just pasting the selection with the middle mouse click. Btw., usually the clipboards of most DEs - at least the ones of KDE and Xfce - already let the user decide and configure how both buffers are handled, if they are synchronized or if they are separated.
So I don't think there's a need for such a tool like autocutsel and it definitely doesn't have to become a default, means a dependency. Users who want autocutsel can, of course, install it. But there shouldn't be any system wide config which forces the users to use it the way the admin wants them to use it.
And if this tool is poorly documented it should first be documented. What shall users do with a tool about which they don't know anything?