FS#23486 - [mplayer] 33136-1 has broken audio decoding
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Arch Linux
Opened by Eric (zebulon) - Monday, 28 March 2011, 21:34 GMT
Last edited by Ionut Biru (wonder) - Wednesday, 30 March 2011, 20:19 GMT
Opened by Eric (zebulon) - Monday, 28 March 2011, 21:34 GMT
Last edited by Ionut Biru (wonder) - Wednesday, 30 March 2011, 20:19 GMT
I just installed mplayer from testing: mplayer 33136-1 and
found that the second time you try to read a video file with
it, the sound is broken. I get a very high pitch sound all
over a faint normal sound. Reverting to mplayer from extra
makes it work again.
This task depends upon
this is a serious bug and i don't know if is mplayer or gcc fault
But gcc 4.5.2-6 works well.
now i have to do that :)
It also happens with mplayer2.
It is not an mplayer issue per se, because I build regurlarly mplayer-svn for our adslgr64 repo.
Yesterday I built svn rev. 33137 (one version newer), and it plays normally.
However, I build it on top of the stable (in core) toolchain (gcc etc.).
I even build another version, dynamically linked to ffmpeg (ie with --disable-ffmpeg_a in configure), and this also again is fine - even again latest ffmpeg-git that I built myself (20110329 - two days later than that of testing).
So, I tend to conclude that it does not have to do with mplayer and/or ffmpeg code themselves, but either, with one (or more) of the following:
- the new building toolchain (gcc 4.6.x)
- the way you build mplayer (configure options)
I build it with the following extra options (configure line is the same):
'libvorbis' 'libbs2b' 'ladspa' 'mpg123' 'faad2' 'libdvdcss'
And of course the only MP3-relevant option is 'mpg123'.
Now, I see a relevant entry in mplayer's svn changelog:
r31590 | diego | 2010-06-30 12:55:14 +0300 (Wed, 30 Jun 2010) | 3 lines
MP3 decoding through libmpg123
patch by Thomas Orgis, thomas-forum orgis org
Maybe, mplayer needs to rely on libmpg123 (ie package 'mpg123') for proper/correct MP3 decoding?