FS#23381 - [nvidia,xorg,kernel] Resizing windows halts graphics
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Arch Linux
Opened by João Rodrigues (gothicknight) - Tuesday, 22 March 2011, 10:36 GMT
Last edited by Ionut Biru (wonder) - Thursday, 16 June 2011, 09:36 GMT
Opened by João Rodrigues (gothicknight) - Tuesday, 22 March 2011, 10:36 GMT
Last edited by Ionut Biru (wonder) - Thursday, 16 June 2011, 09:36 GMT
When resizing a terminal window (konsole) under KDE 4.6.1 [extra] with Nvidia from [testing] plus kernel 2.6.28 [testing] it will halt the entire desktop only leaving the SysRq keys available to reboot the system safely. I will test if downgrading to stable nvidia/kernel solves the problem. Additional info: * package version(s) KDE: 4.6.1 kernel26: nvidia: 270.30-1 * config and/or log files etc. N/A Steps to reproduce: Just resize konsole. |
This task depends upon
Closed by Ionut Biru (wonder)
Thursday, 16 June 2011, 09:36 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: nvidia 275.09.07
Thursday, 16 June 2011, 09:36 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: nvidia 275.09.07
Attached something from dmesg.
Tested with:
nvidia: 270.30-4, 270.41.03-1
It seems to affect terminals that use vte (tested with xfce's terminal, lxterminal).
Terminals that don't use vte worked fine (tested with xterm, mrxvt, urxvt from package rxvt-unicode ).
Using transparent window for xfce's terminal and urxvt.
Here, after resizing, but before freezing, the screen blinks.
Horizontal resizing cause freezings every time.
Vertical resizings, if done carefully (slowly), not.
Using xfce as my DE and xfce's terminal, the problem does not occurs.
I'm not using testing.
Changing font to monospace doesn't fix it for me.
nvidia 270.41.03-1
nvidia-utils 270.41.03-1
vte 0.26.2-1
lxterminal 0.1.9-1
terminal 0.4.7-1
nvidia 270.41.03-1
nvidia-utils 270.41.03-1
xf86-input-evdev 2.6.0-3
xf86-input-keyboard 1.6.0-2
xf86-input-mouse 1.7.0-2
xf86-input-synaptics 1.4.0-2
xkeyboard-config 2.2.1-1
Interestingly, this problem is solved by downgrading the following packages:
xf86-input-evdev 2.6.0-2
xf86-input-keyboard 1.6.0-1
xf86-input-mouse 1.7.0-1
xf86-input-synaptics 1.4.0-1
xkeyboard-config 2.1-1
Additionnaly, since I have a logitech mouse, I recompiled xorg-server with a QUEUE_SIZE of 4096 in mi/mieq.c (see the two links posted above by Bogdan, https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/23381#comment74114), X does not freeze anymore, but a lot of randomly moving and randomly colored pixels start to appear on the screen. Their number increase until the computer is restarted (strangely, restarting X is not enough). It might be a different issue, though.
confirmed it is fixed by:
downgraded to xorg-server and xf86-input-evdev 2.6.0-2.
appears to be ok with this combination.
As for the QUEUE_SIZE "fix": that just hides the problem. The real problem is a buggy driver that freaks out and causes a filled up event queue.
nvidia 270.41.03-1
xorg-server 1.10.1-1
GeForce 9500 GT
The problem happens when I resize konsole on KDE 4.6.2.
nvidia 270.41.06, doesn't solve the problem.
Maybe the problem could not be a buggy driver.
Maybe the problem could be with vte (since it seems to occur only on vte based terminals).
Maybe the problem have anything to do with changes on kernel 2.6.38.
Maybe it's a conjunction of factors.
I don't know. I don't have the technical expertise on kernel or video drives to understand it.
What I know is that just waiting passively for the problem to solve by itself, don't seems the best thing to do.
The bug was already posted on nvidia's bug tracker? (I could not found one on their site).
As for the useless comments: almost everyone is posting the same "solution", which is not a real solution at all. I see this a lot on the Ubuntu bugtracker: lots of people saying the same or just adding "me too". When we hit a bug that exists in Ubuntu, that bug will show up in google results when we try to search for an error message, but no solution can be found because scrolling 100+ "me too" messages is not productive.
We do monitor the nvnews.net forums and track bugs reported there, but we don't always have time to post replies to every issue.
but you'll have to downgrade your nvidia driver as well.
Save it in empty directory and run
pacman -U *
inside it. And add
IgnorePkg = kernel26 kernel26-headers lib32-nvidia-utils nvidia nvidia-utils xf86-input-evdev xf86-input-synaptics xorg-server xorg-server-common
to /etc/pacman.conf. Vote for this task
and start watching (look for link on top of this page). When you read that this bug are fixed - comment IgnorePkg line in /etc/pacman.conf and run
pacman -Syu
edit: Why the closure was requested? It's still not fixed AFAIK
But after I downgraded (as of today):
to the versions listed by Alexey Alekseev above, the issue seems to have been "fixed".
Kernel: 2.6.38.x (currently .6-2, but have had the issue with multiple revs)
Gfx: nVidia (blob: 270.41.03-1, nouveau: 0.0.16_git20110316-2 both from [extra])
Attaching backtrace from my Xorg.0.log
Above I've said it seems to work on non-vte based terminals (like urxvt), but I was wrong.
It only works with urxvt if the terminal isn't using composition (transparency).
Tomorrow it'll be 2 months from the open of this ticket.
It seems to be a very tough one to nvidia to fix.
I have a GeForce GT 220. All software except the packages listed above are the latest versions.
nvidia, now it's your turn.
UPDATE: shame on me/ nvidia : i resized an "special" window all good, however, resizing konsole -> CRASH , f*** , back to downgrading/holding packages
Some instructions for reporting a bug seems to be in the announcement of the 275 beta at http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=2441669
I'm not going to complain too much at nvidia this time, at least they eventually came around and released what should be a fix. Too bad the problem still seems to be there (?) for some. Anyone who upgraded who can confirm that it actually works for them, resizing konsole and everything? And if so, which versions of stuff you're running.
I would upgrade and try it out myself but I'm working on GSoC atm and really don't want to do anything that could jeopardize my system stability.
If you're still seeing graphics freezes or screen flickering when resizing konsole windows (these are the symptoms of the bug I fixed), please run nvidia-bug-report.sh after reproducing the issue and attach the resulting nvidia-bug-report.log.gz here so we can reproduce your system state and config.
Edit: I forgot to mention I'm using a GeForce GTS 250 on x86_64.
edit: same card as James' (GeForce GTS 250 on x86_64).