FS#23106 - [netcfg] systemd service files for net-auto-{wired,wireless}
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Arch Linux
Opened by Ng Oon-Ee (ngoonee) - Wednesday, 02 March 2011, 16:28 GMT
Last edited by Rémy Oudompheng (remyoudompheng) - Saturday, 18 June 2011, 10:52 GMT
Opened by Ng Oon-Ee (ngoonee) - Wednesday, 02 March 2011, 16:28 GMT
Last edited by Rémy Oudompheng (remyoudompheng) - Saturday, 18 June 2011, 10:52 GMT
netcfg includes 4 rc.d scripts. For my own use I only use 2 of them, net-auto-{wired,wireless} while I ignore net-profiles (and net-rename is a more generic one, what purpose does it serve anyway?). Have been using systemd for a while, and sysvinit scripts are replaced by service files, targets, etc. I've converted the full functionality of net-auto-{wired,wireless} to service files which I've been using for a month now. I'm attaching them here for possible inclusion in netcfg. At the very least, they'd serve as a reference point if and when systemd support is added. For clarification, having these service files does not affect any non-systemd system. These two files (net-auto-wired.service and net-auto-wireless.service) are just placed in /lib/systemd/system and will only be used on a systemd-enabled system if the user specifically requests them. I'd be willing to provide more assistance (re-writes or testing, probably not coding though sorry). Of course, the decision whether to add systemd support isn't up to me. |
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Closed by Rémy Oudompheng (remyoudompheng)
Saturday, 18 June 2011, 10:52 GMT
Reason for closing: Implemented
Saturday, 18 June 2011, 10:52 GMT
Reason for closing: Implemented

Committed, thanks.