FS#17264 - [xorg] Xorg randomly restarts when typing (usually <Enter> key)
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Arch Linux
Opened by Doug Penner (DarwinSurvivor) - Tuesday, 24 November 2009, 09:01 GMT
Last edited by Jan de Groot (JGC) - Sunday, 29 November 2009, 10:26 GMT
Opened by Doug Penner (DarwinSurvivor) - Tuesday, 24 November 2009, 09:01 GMT
Last edited by Jan de Groot (JGC) - Sunday, 29 November 2009, 10:26 GMT
Xorg (gdm) will randomly restart when typing. It is *always* when typing, and 95% of the time it is when hitting the <Enter> key. Additional info: * package version(s) gdm 2.28.1-2 * config and/or log files etc. Steps to reproduce: Unknown. It seems to randomly be triggered when typing. |
This task depends upon
Solution: don't start the gdm daemon in the middle of the DAEMONS array, but put it there as last daemon. This problem is known and will not be fixed, as it's a configuration error. The configuration error is documented in the wiki also.
I have moved gdm to the end of my DAEMONS list anyways.
How would I get the newer version?
-Is my repo out of date?
-Is the AUR version newer (it only shows a date)?
-Compile from source (xorg site)
If the moderators would like to mark this bug resolved, they may do so. If the problem comes back, I'll either reopen the bug report or start a new one and link back to this one.