FS#16822 - [rhythmbox] crash if empathy is not running and you have select status plugin
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Arch Linux
Opened by mattia (nTia89) - Saturday, 24 October 2009, 15:12 GMT
Last edited by Jan de Groot (JGC) - Sunday, 08 November 2009, 15:09 GMT
Opened by mattia (nTia89) - Saturday, 24 October 2009, 15:12 GMT
Last edited by Jan de Groot (JGC) - Sunday, 08 November 2009, 15:09 GMT
rhythmbox crash if empathy is not running and you have select status plugin Additional info: * rhythmbox 0.12.5 * empathy 2.28.1 |
This task depends upon

- Field changed: Status (Unconfirmed → Assigned)
- Field changed: Category (Packages: Extra → Upstream Bugs)
- Field changed: Severity (High → Medium)
- Task assigned to Jan de Groot (JGC)
By your description looks like an upstream issue. Please report to
it if not already reported and paste link here. Thanks.

I can't confirm this. I am running rhythmbox 0.12.5-1 with the IM
status plugin enabled and without empathy running. Everything
works here, no crashes.

What does it mean exactly "rhythmbox crash" ?

Can you please attach some kind of backtrace or something?
otherwise this will probably get closed soon.

i've updated system and magically no more problem.....

What were updated ? What were changed ?