FS#16760 - [pcmanfm] incompatible with shared-mime-info 0.70
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Arch Linux
Opened by Leo Solaris (LeoSolaris) - Wednesday, 21 October 2009, 00:44 GMT
Last edited by Jürgen Hötzel (juergen) - Sunday, 25 October 2009, 21:14 GMT
Opened by Leo Solaris (LeoSolaris) - Wednesday, 21 October 2009, 00:44 GMT
Last edited by Jürgen Hötzel (juergen) - Sunday, 25 October 2009, 21:14 GMT
Upon update, pcmanfm ceased recognizing mimes and accepting default program saves. From conversation on the forum, it only effects 64-bit. A downgrade to shared-mime-info-0.60-1 solved the issue. Forum conversation on the topic: http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=82786 There remains the possibility that it is pcmanfm's fault. |
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Closed by Jürgen Hötzel (juergen)
Sunday, 25 October 2009, 21:14 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: 0.5.2 is out
Sunday, 25 October 2009, 21:14 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: 0.5.2 is out
I think this is how this can be solved:http://alien.slackbook.org/blog/gtk-icons-suddenly-missing/
That should fix your problems.
Note that the cache format has changed, and older versions of glib, gtk and gnome-vfs have problems with the new format. Reading the forum post, I see people downgraded their GTK because of flash problems. This is not a supported configuration.
I don't have a "~/.local/share/mime" dir .
I deleted everything not owned by a package(everything but packages/) in "/usr/share/mime" then ran "update-mime-database /usr/share/mime" .
The problem still persists in PCManFM .
Only downgrading fixes the bug.
It appears shared-mime-info 0.70 introduces a new cache format, which is not supported by PCManFM.
(note: retrieved from Google cache because the site itself isn't responding to me)
...the problem is in glib, and it has supposedly been fixed in glib:
Also suggested at that link was the somewhat more specific fix, "update-mime-database.real -V ~/.local/share/mime/", which I haven't tried because I also downgraded to solve this problem when I experienced it. (And which, by the way, seemed to affect rox-filer as well as pcmanfm for me, so on my box, it isn't just a pcmanfm issue.)