FS#13443 - gnash-common 0.8.4-1 seems to use opengl renderer causing impossible playback of any flash video

Attached to Project: Arch Linux
Opened by Etienne Lepercq (guepe) - Tuesday, 24 February 2009, 20:46 GMT
Last edited by Eric Belanger (Snowman) - Saturday, 04 April 2009, 05:47 GMT
Task Type Bug Report
Category Packages: Extra
Status Closed
Assigned To No-one
Architecture i686
Severity Medium
Priority Normal
Reported Version
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 0
Private No


Description: gnash plugin is not working : _very_ slow refresh, no sound, no video started even on youtube (which is supported by gnash in a quiet good way).
i am using a i686 kernel, with xf86-video-ati driver up to date, R300 hardware.

Additional info:
* package version(s) :
* config and/or log files etc.

My .gnashpluginrc file :
set splashScreen true
set localHost false
set localDomain false
set insecureSSL false
set debugger false
set actionDump false
set parserDump false
set writeLog true
set sound true
set pluginSound true
set ASCodingErrorsVerbosity false
set malformedSWFVerbosity false
set malformedAMFVerbosity false
set enableExtensions false
set startStopped true
set streamsTimeout 0
set movieLibraryLimit 8
set delay 0
set verbosity 0
set solReadOnly false
set SOLSafeDir /dev/null
set localConnection false
set LCTrace true
set LCShmkey 0
set ignoreFSCommand true
set debuglog /home/xglurb/gnash-dbg.log
set documentroot
set flashSystemOS
set flashVersionString LNX 9,0,999,0
set urlOpenerFormat epiphany -remote 'openurl(%u)'
set GSTAudioSink
set whitelist
set blacklist

Some of the outputed log (verbosity = 5)
25752:3059128768] 15:10:03: DEBUG: OpenGL extension version - 1.2
25752:3059128768] 15:10:03: ERROR: Cannot find the double-buffered visual.
Trying single-buffered visual.
25752:3059128768] 15:10:03: DEBUG: Got single-buffered visual.
25752:3059128768] 15:10:03: DEBUG: Created XEmbedded window
25752:3059128768] 15:10:03: DEBUG: void gnash::Gui::resize_view(int, int) enter
25752:3059128768] 15:10:03: DEBUG: returning
25752:3059128768] 15:10:03: DEBUG: Base url set to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHkWv1vHtHk
25752:3059128768] 15:10:03: UNIMPLEMENTED: SWF9 is not fully supported, trying anyway but don't expect it to work
25752:2886400912] 15:10:03: UNIMPLEMENTED: LanguageCode in DefineFont (2 or 3)
25752:2886400912] 15:10:03: DEBUG: String Arial with length 6 had 1 trailing NULLs, trimmed
25752:3059128768] 15:10:04: DEBUG: Advance interval timer set to 10 ms (~ 100 FPS)
25752:3059128768] 15:10:04: DEBUG: Loading native class MovieClip
25752:3059128768] 15:10:04: DEBUG: get_exported_resource called, frame count=1

Steps to reproduce:
open (for example) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHkWv1vHtHk
Click play if gnash is configured to open as stopped
Refresh starts very slowly, no video playing... just controls/download progression
This task depends upon

Closed by  Eric Belanger (Snowman)
Saturday, 04 April 2009, 05:47 GMT
Reason for closing:  Fixed
Additional comments about closing:  gnash 0.8.5 now use agg instead of opengl
