FS#12249 - vlc doesn't provide proper WM_CLASS(STRING) for xprop
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Arch Linux
Opened by Jan Smydke (crocus) - Wednesday, 26 November 2008, 16:02 GMT
Last edited by Anonymous Submitter - Friday, 05 December 2008, 22:11 GMT
Opened by Jan Smydke (crocus) - Wednesday, 26 November 2008, 16:02 GMT
Last edited by Anonymous Submitter - Friday, 05 December 2008, 22:11 GMT
# when running the following and clicking on the VLC
xprop | grep -i class # I get WM_CLASS(STRING) = "", "" # but I expect sth like "vlc, Vlc" I use vlc ver. 0.9.6-1 ---- This doesn't matter much, but for smoothly running in the xmonad wm, it is very convenient to work properly. In the past (I can't tell exactly, say 6 month ago) it was OK, I think |
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Closed by Anonymous Submitter
Friday, 05 December 2008, 22:11 GMT
Reason for closing: Won't fix
Additional comments about closing: Done.
Friday, 05 December 2008, 22:11 GMT
Reason for closing: Won't fix
Additional comments about closing: Done.

Please report this upstream, as it won't get fixed when reported

Just reported on vlc's site. I think this report might be closed