FS#11754 - QT4 + nVidia + CompizFusion = XDamage redraw delays
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Arch Linux
Opened by Bart (n0rdik0) - Wednesday, 15 October 2008, 18:52 GMT
Last edited by Pierre Schmitz (Pierre) - Friday, 05 December 2008, 10:41 GMT
Opened by Bart (n0rdik0) - Wednesday, 15 October 2008, 18:52 GMT
Last edited by Pierre Schmitz (Pierre) - Friday, 05 December 2008, 10:41 GMT
KDE4 + nVidia (GF Mobile 8400) + CompizFusion cause redraw problems, only in QT apps. In the menus, elements keep being "highlighted" even after then mouse is over other element, konqueror content gets corrupted when scrolling and konsole/yakuake doesnt show last output (after a ls I have to hit enter a second time to see the result). Any way of forcing redraw fixes the problem: hiding/showing yakuake, moving or resizing konqueror, konsole or whatever qt app it is. No problem with gtk apps for instance. Other QT apps like KDE control center, kmix, and similar also get similar corruption, the last action is not redrawn correctly and I have to move/resize the window to update it's contents. I starts happening "gradually". For a minute or so it works ok. Then, after issuing a command in yakuake makes the cursor go to the left but the results and the prompt show a couple seconds later. After a couple of times working with this kind of delay, it just stops showing the results, having to hit enter again or hide/show yakuake to see the results. Btw, menu issues only happen with Klearlooks style, havent seen Oxygen redrawn incorrectly. In firefox (well, actually GranParadiso) the only problem are images and only when showing an image alone (not in a page), the upper 90% of the image is completely black. As usually, moving/resizing firefox makes the image show properly, or for that matter, showing/hiding yakuake as it overlaps with the browser. Images in html pages work ok. Googling didnt help, no one seems to have this issue, just performance problems. None of this happens with Kwin, just with compiz-fusion. Before installing Arch, I have used Mandriva for a while and it didnt show this issue, neither 2008.1 nor 2009. Unfortunately I don't know the versions used there, but I could reinstall Mandriva in a spare partition and run any kind of test if I would help. Additional info: * package version(s) Relevant versions: QT: 4.4.2-3 kdebase: 4.1.2-1 nVidia: 177.80 CompizFusion: 0.7.8-1 Tried to downgrade everithing a bit, with packages from: http://ftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/linux/sunsite.unc-mirror/distributions/archlinux/$repo/os/i686 (QT 4.4.1-1, KDE 4.1.0-2, CompizFusion 0.7.6-1) didn't help a bit. Downgrading nVidia to 173xx breaks compiz, had to enable --indirect-rendering flag. That did help, making the issue *far* less frequent, I even thought it was fixed but after 5 hours I got the error again (screenshot attached). Al least its usable again but performance is worse than with 177.80. Beta drivers 177.67 behave exactly the same as 177.80: unusable yakuake/konsole/konqueror. * config and/or log files etc. relevant section from xorg.conf: Section "Device" Identifier "Device0" Driver "nvidia" VendorName "NVIDIA Corporation" # Option "NoLogo" "True" # Option "TripleBuffer" "True" Option "RenderAccel" "True" Option "BackingStore" "True" Option "PixmapCacheSize" "1000000" Option "OnDemandVBlankInterrupts" "True" Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True" Option "DamageEvents" "True" Option "AllowIndirectPixmaps" "True" EndSection However, enabling/disabling any one or even all of the options doesnt change the issue. Changing InitialPixmapPlacement and Glyph cache doesnt change the behavior either. Steps to reproduce: Start a KDE4 session. Activate compiz-fusion (either at start or trough fusion-icon). After a few minutes "xdamaged" parts of windows dont get redrawn properly. I can provide any additional information if needed. |
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Closed by Pierre Schmitz (Pierre)
Friday, 05 December 2008, 10:41 GMT
Reason for closing: Upstream
Additional comments about closing: Maybe nvidia fixes this with one of the next driver releaeses.
Friday, 05 December 2008, 10:41 GMT
Reason for closing: Upstream
Additional comments about closing: Maybe nvidia fixes this with one of the next driver releaeses.
I'm going to try Mandriva again this weekend, IIRC Mandriva had no issues using 177.67 driver, so I think it may be some workaround they use to make things work.
- QT: 4.4.3
- KDE: 4.1.2
- nVidia: 177.67 Beta
- CompizFusion: 0.7.8
So, the only difference I see is QT version 4.4.3 instead of 4.4.2. I can't explain the problems in Firefox, but in Mandriva firefox also work flawlessly. ¿Does Firefox depend on QT to render images?
I don't know if I should open a new bug report for the firefox glitch, any suggestion will be appreciated.
BTW, after 1 day using QT 4.4.3 I can say that it's perfectly usable, almost no problems with konsole/yakuake and the oxygen style work well as always. The easiest to reproduce and most persistent problem is the Klearlooks style menu selecting, but as long as oxygen is used, is just a little infrequent annoyance.
Firefox still has problems with images, I've noticed it is only the case with scaled down images. When I click on the image to zoom it to 100% it shows ok, and when I zoom back to scaled down, the black regions reappear.