FS#79843 - tg3 'No PHY devices' and 'Problem fetching invariants of chip, aborting' with BCM57788

Attached to Project: Release Engineering
Opened by gesh (gesh) - Tuesday, 03 October 2023, 17:05 GMT
Task Type Bug Report
Category ArchISO
Status Unconfirmed
Assigned To No-one
Architecture All
Severity Low
Priority Normal
Reported Version
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 0%
Votes 0
Private No


With latest release (2023.09.01), booting ArchISO on a machine with a BCM57788 card has tg3 complain on dmesg of 'No PHY devices' and 'Problem fetching invariants of chip, aborting'. Thought I might have a hardware issue, however crosschecking with Finnix 125 (a Debian-based rescue CD) showed this is an Arch issue.
Judging by https://groups.google.com/g/linux.kernel/c/nyVsENjSE6w, the issue might be that the broadcom module isn't loaded before tg3, which shouldn't be happening since https://marc.info/?l=linux-netdev&m=127020633331445&w=1. Cf the remark there by Ben Hutchings that
> In initramfs-tools (used in Debian and its derivatives) we just copy all PHY drivers into the initramfs by default. dracut should probably do the same, at least when phylib is in the initramfs (or built into the kernel). (tg3 does use symbols from phylib.)
-- perhaps this isn't the case for our initramfs?
Given that Ethernet networking should work out-of-the-box for ArchISO, I was surprised to see this.

(PS: Posting here since I don't have Gitlab access)
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