FS#78322 - copying rootfs image to ram arch linux takes too long

Attached to Project: Release Engineering
Opened by Yaroslav Nikitenko (ynikitenko) - Friday, 28 April 2023, 16:39 GMT
Task Type Bug Report
Category Hardware Issues
Status Unconfirmed
Assigned To No-one
Architecture All
Severity Low
Priority Normal
Reported Version
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 0%
Votes 0
Private No


I'm using the most recent Arch ISO, and in the beginning of the installation it stucks with "copying rootfs image to RAM".
It takes several minutes, maybe 5 minutes, which is too long. My laptop is not that bad.
Last time when I installed Arch Linux 3 years ago, I don't remember this thing, it was very fast.
As I understand, copying to RAM is a performance feature, but now it looks like a huge performance hindrance.
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