FS#75945 - [ppp] Add ipv6-{down,up} to backup list

Attached to Project: Arch Linux
Opened by t27049215 (t27049215) - Monday, 19 September 2022, 18:08 GMT
Last edited by Buggy McBugFace (bugbot) - Saturday, 25 November 2023, 20:23 GMT
Task Type Feature Request
Category Packages: Core
Status Closed
Assigned To Felix Yan (felixonmars)
Architecture All
Severity Medium
Priority Normal
Reported Version
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 1
Private No



I have customized `ipv6-{down,up}` scripts and would like to not overwrite them on package upgrades.
Note that `ip-{down,up}` scripts are already backup list and there is no reason to not add `ipv6-{down,up}` to it.

Thank you in advance!
This task depends upon

Closed by  Buggy McBugFace (bugbot)
Saturday, 25 November 2023, 20:23 GMT
Reason for closing:  Moved
Additional comments about closing:  https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/p ackaging/packages/ppp/issues/2
Comment by t27049215 (t27049215) - Saturday, 05 November 2022, 05:39 GMT
This is how I would do it (sorted alphabetically):

Off topic, it would be great if some how there is a way to submit patches like on Github, Gitlab... trivial issues could be addressed more quickly.
Comment by Marcell Meszaros (MarsSeed) - Thursday, 06 July 2023, 09:14 GMT
This should be very easy to fix, @felixonmars. Please kindly try to attend the packaging bug reports. Thank you for maintaining this!
