FS#72146 - custom password prompt fails with recent sudo update
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Arch Linux
Opened by mike (mbalajew) - Wednesday, 15 September 2021, 23:01 GMT
Last edited by Evangelos Foutras (foutrelis) - Thursday, 16 September 2021, 04:09 GMT
Opened by mike (mbalajew) - Wednesday, 15 September 2021, 23:01 GMT
Last edited by Evangelos Foutras (foutrelis) - Thursday, 16 September 2021, 04:09 GMT
Description: Custom password prompt (i.e. "-p" option) fails
on sudo version 1.9.8-1. This option works after reverting
back to previous version, 1.9.7.p2-1
Steps to reproduce: run sudo with custom prompt option, for example: sudo -p "blah" ls Command returns this error: sudo: (null): option "passprompt_override" does not take a value sudo: error initializing audit plugin sudoers_audit |
This task depends upon
Closed by Evangelos Foutras (foutrelis)
Thursday, 16 September 2021, 04:09 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: sudo 1.9.8-2 (in [testing])
Thursday, 16 September 2021, 04:09 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: sudo 1.9.8-2 (in [testing])

Looks like it's already been addressed upstream:

Yup. Tried the patch, and the bug is gone.