FS#68997 - "remote: error: maximum blob size (250.00KiB) exceeded" when pushing a file that is 250.8KiB
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AUR web interface
Opened by Kyle Devir (QuartzDragon) - Wednesday, 16 December 2020, 01:12 GMT
Last edited by Sven-Hendrik Haase (Svenstaro) - Sunday, 27 December 2020, 23:26 GMT
Opened by Kyle Devir (QuartzDragon) - Wednesday, 16 December 2020, 01:12 GMT
Last edited by Sven-Hendrik Haase (Svenstaro) - Sunday, 27 December 2020, 23:26 GMT
This had to be a misconfiguration or something...
I was attempting to update the linux-pds package today, and got this wonderfully confusing error. The `config` file is 250.8KiB, and thus triggered this error... This break pushing any commits greater than 250KiB... which would include some patches that can easily exceed that weird limit. Terminal output: ``` ==> Retrieving sources... -> Found config -> Found 0005-v5.10_undead-pds099o.patch -> Found 0005-undead-glitched-pds.patch ==> Generating checksums for source files... [master 4922ad6] 5.10.1.arch1 5 files changed, 216 insertions(+), 121 deletions(-) rename 0005-v5.9_undead-pds099o.patch => 0005-v5.10_undead-pds099o.patch (99%) delete mode 100644 sphinx-workaround.patch Enumerating objects: 10, done. Counting objects: 100% (10/10), done. Delta compression using up to 6 threads Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done. Writing objects: 100% (6/6), 71.89 KiB | 6.54 MiB/s, done. Total 6 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 remote: error: The following error occurred when parsing commit remote: error: 4922ad65bbe69bb6adff02fc818dbab863975e28: remote: error: maximum blob size (250.00KiB) exceeded remote: error: hook declined to update refs/heads/master To ssh://aur.archlinux.org/linux-pds.git ! [remote rejected] master -> master (hook declined) error: failed to push some refs to 'ssh://aur.archlinux.org/linux-pds.git' ``` |
This task depends upon
Closed by Sven-Hendrik Haase (Svenstaro)
Sunday, 27 December 2020, 23:26 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
Sunday, 27 December 2020, 23:26 GMT
Reason for closing: Fixed
If you have a 250KiB+ size patch file, you're doing something very wrong.
Kernel configs are I think the only thing that ever runs close to the limits, yet remains valid to upload to the AUR. It's very much the minority of packages.
The size of a kernel .config slowly creeps up. We probably need to bump the limit as part of housekeeping. But it's hardly a misconfiguration to have a limit.